and those of you who think you came here to hear us tell you, like these negro leaders do, that times will get better and we shall overcome someday, i tell you: you came to the wrong place. 'cause your times will never get better until yo make them better. and any of you who think you came here to hear us tell you to turn the other cheek to the brutality of the white man and the established system of injustice in this country, to beg for your place at their lunch counter, i say again! you came to the wrong place. 'cause we don't teach you to turn the other cheek. we don't teach you to turn the other cheek in the south. we don't teach you to turn the other cheek in the north. the honorable elijah muhammad teaches you, instead, to obey the law. to carry yourselves in a respectable way. and a proud afro-american way. but at the same time. we teach you. that anyone who puts his hand on you? do your best. to see he doesn't put his hand on any. body. else. again. just now. i'm front row, seat 7. nothing wrong with being cool, my brother. you been working toward this moment for four years. it's a crusade in modern times. and television is beaming if off telstar to the whole world. so allah has brought this about for a reason. salaam alaikum, my brother. man, look at that guy run! this is the champ's time. and i'm here as a friend to celebrate his victory. so i got nothing you want. i was leaving, saw the light on. how come you're up? i been invited to speak at ibadan university in nigeria. c'mon with me? africa. you been there? nkrumah stayed with me when he was a student in new york, so we'll stop in ghana. next thursday. you ever been so angry. have you ever been so angry that you'd explode? what else? when i heard about the four girls bombed in the 16th street church in birmingham? the prohibitions of the honorable elijah muhammad prevented me from speaking my voice in action. because birmingham was part of the civil rights movement, begging for a place at the white man's table. but dead children. are dead children. so the anger i felt, i had to contain. i locked that down! so tight my muscles seized. i lost control over the right side of my body. leg didn't work. right arm didn't work. "i'm having a stroke," i thought. i had to hold it in 'cause i wanted, all i wanted was to break something! break a part. any part of this system. because you are so provoked as a human being. in your spirit. in your heart. at the death of children. but i could do. nothing. everyone knows. now i'm advocating more direct political action involvement with the international struggle. so elijah muhammad has suspended me as a minister in the nation of islam for 90 days. i don't know. i will try when we get back. until then i will live each day as if i am already dead. what is it, joseph? cassius won't be coming to africa. not with me. how about gamilah or khalilah? brother muhammad. and i heard you were coming. when. uh, liberia. when you fighting liston? this is maya angelou and ambassador huang ha. amando gonzalez is from cuba. taher kaid is the ambassador from algeria. algeria. see ben bella. go to mecca, medina. i just came back. made my seven circuits around the kaaba, prayed at sunrise. there were two million people. pilgrims from all over. dressed all the same, high and low, the same. blonde-haired, blue-eyed muslims. arabs. blacks. yeah. all of them, muslims praying together. it's marlin. you'll never guess who malcolm ran into. drank from the well of zem-zem. and you should visit cairo. i have friends there in. what? brother muhammad. brother muhammad! as-salaam alaikum. hold it, hold it, brothers! let's be cool.