good work. you're yourself, that's better. the abbot will be pleased. don't what? you want to be the abbey's physician, and you haven't learned the first rule: don't worry about the patient. i shouldn't have. sorry. look, i know how you must -- not coming down? john! wait -- ! don't go in! john - what is it? is this a supply ship? john. just get the hell out of there -- her? look, this is not the supply ship, so this is technology forbidden to us. get out of there now! you shouldn't have gone in -- what was it like in there --? just lights? at the glass furnace. about to dip his blowing iron into the molten glass. john runs over to him. almost knocks him over -- hey! watch it! what? what is it? john - relax. take a deep breath - christ, now i sound like you -- is that it, john? is it the book --? everything's gonna be fine. now, let's see the -- sure. everything's gonna be fine. wait -- john! can't see my baby. don't see my baby. bay be. cards on the floor, fifty two pickup. black king on red queen, put the ace up -- ace up. put the ace up. redaceupup. blackaceup.up.pup-pup-pup-chaka- boomloommawhacka -- booomalooma looma --