shakes her head. tries to speak -- her lips form soundless words. she looks over her other shoulder, sees -- brows knit. fights the cobwebs in her brain. tries to focus on the ship -- remembers. turns to john, tries to speak -- wait. new. aaaaaaaaaaaargh! what the hell --? this must be a dream. a bad one. hears the sound and then another - her door opening. she turns to find the abbot and john standing in the doorway. john waits in the doorway as the abbot crosses to the chair by the bed and sits. who are you? ripley. how did i get here? where is here? can i use a radio to -- uh, i - i still don't feel 100%. whoever took me out of the stasis tube must not have run the full d-f program. where's newt? there was a little girl with me -- no. she was with me. i put her in her stasis tube -- we launched when the -- oh, god. newt. it came with us. listen -- there is a danger here. it came with me. how long have i been here? loose for two days. this planet could be overrun within the week. look, there's a xenomorph -- an alien creature. a killer. a monster. and now it's here. calm down, ripley. okay, i was with a platoon of colonial marines on a mission to planetoid lv426. we left earth six months ago - maybe a year -- we launched in the cruiser sulaco from gateway sub-orbital space station -- what do you mean? uh. all right. forget the earth - how many people do you have here? let's worry about them. warn them -- i don't need rest - i need to get to your people. you've got to get to them -- tell them about the alien -- enough? didn't you hear what i said? it could wipe out the entire population of this planet. it may have started already - have there been any unusual deaths since i got here? idiots. i'll -- what the -? considers the faces that surround her. fear. hate. this can't be happening. you must listen to me! you're all in terrible danger! it came with me on the ship -- yes, the ship brought it. not evil. it brought the alien. i told you, it's here. i was on the earth less than a year ago. it's still there. people, cities, all still there! it's still there! i haven't been floating in space for twenty years. let me get to my ship and i'll prove it. this is reality. there is a xenomorph loose on this planetoid - a alien -- it must have stowed away on my ship -- must have killed -- newt. killed the girl i brought with me. you can't stop it. it goes inside you like an egg - grows - explodes out of you - keeps growing into some sort of monster. kills you -- kills all of you. who are you people? look at you -- all of you -- the way you're dressed. this isn't the middle ages. you're in space -- on a artifical planet. what are you doing out here? isn't there anyone here who will listen? i guess not. i can't believe this. you won't be able to fight it. you don't know what it is --! you've sentenced yourselves to death! watching them work. only her face is visible. another board. you fucking idiots! you're dead! you're all dead! dead. christ. jesus christ. it's here. here. shit. here. i can't get rid of it. newt. this isn't what i wanted. don't stare at me! wherever i go. thanks, but no thanks, anthony. not hungry. waste of time. that was the plan when they put me down here. and why should you care? believe me, that's a discussion you don't want to have with me. that's one of each. that means you could go either way. i'm tired of talking about this. i'm tired of fighting. maybe i'll be dead before he finds me. maybe he won't get the satisfaction. and androids usually aren't the prisoners of lunatics that believe they're ancient greeks. whatever. i was right, wasn't i? you've seen it, you've seen the alien? i can tell you have. i was right. it came with me. go away. listen, priest, or whatever you are, i know what you want. i can't help you. i couldn't help any of the others. just stop what you're doing. go away. do you understand? you going to stay, father? but you're not going to talk. okay. then you can listen. you should listen. your abbot was right. i am guilty. but not of heresy. of murder. the murder of the crew of the nostromo. that was when i first met the alien. no, not the same one that's here now. or maybe it is. maybe they're all the same one. i couldn't save my crew then. i should have been able to. but i couldn't. when i went the second time -- then i met newt. newt. i fought -- stayed alive to keep newt alive. hoped maybe that would make up for. now he got her too. what's the point? just go away. leave me in here. if you let me out you'll want me to help you and it will start all over again. let it end. i can't help you. it never ends. and the alien takes on the form of the creature that finds it, assuming that animal is the dominant life form on the planet. so when it gestates in a man -- shit. i just didn't think it could do that to animals. is that the only reason you came to get me out? because i knew about this thing? thank you. if anything, you're honest. i don't know about the abbot. is that speaking up for someone? all right, let's forget about the past and get on to our survival. no more prisoners behind us? okay -- if the alien's had a few days to lay his eggs our only hope is to get off this - what is this? get to my ship and get off this satellite. we can't what? a tape library? so? there must be books on other colonies -- and what does an android have to do with all this? the company? what does the company have to do with this? prison? you left that part out. your abbot talked about that. the new plague. i think i can see how this comes out. they gave up their possessions. to the company. too much profit. the company had such a sense of irony. sending you out on this wooden tub. so how'd they find out about you? join the club. i figured this wasn't planned. you don't have to be a genius to see it wouldn't be prudent to try to preserve man's written works for generations -- without women. and i don't know about your new plague, but i was just on earth and everything's fine. i was right about the alien, wasn't i? means i must be right about the earth. that's better than nothing. come on. at any rate, let's forget about the earth completely - whether you're right or i'm right what's important is getting the hell out of here. from here my ship is? right. and this is. aptly named. what's in the middle? work with me here. how far is it back to the surface of the planet? and the elevator -- the thing they lowered me down in? well, you start appreciating him more than me and i'll find a way to shut you down, capisce, andy? how do we get up? five miles with the alien between us and there? good luck, boys. can't what? not help you go to your deaths? i've had my fill of that. i've fought these creatures twice before. it take a lot to kill these things. heavy artillery. how about something we can make weapons from? do you have anything like that -- any modern things here? this is a man-made planet. something has to be recirculating your air, your water. please. most people do. without some sort of technology we haven't got a chance. an atmosphere processing plant -- where is it? all right. you've got me - so far. but here's the deal: i don't know how many of your brethren are going to be alive when we get up there, but if we make it to my ship, you're all coming with me. we'll take as many of your precious books as we can carry, but we're going. i'm not going to fight this thing again to end up alone again. understand? we're all dead anyway. we might as well go fi -- ugh - i'm all right. still thawing out. i hate hyper sleep. come on. what? i got a belly full of that from the psychtechs when i was on earth. yeah. "survivor guilt syndrome," or something like that. but that's not what i was thinking about. i was thinking about my "friend" up there. he was on the pod. he killed newt but not me. why not me? it's almost like he's playing with me. maybe they have some sort of race memory. maybe he knows what i did to his "mother." that's why he didn't just kill me. that would be too easy. he has to torment me. hell, i don't know what it is. down the corridor hears the scream, turns back -- sees anthony fighting with himself, struggling against john's grasp - thanks. i'm all right. what was that? androids can't dream. androids don't sleep. what did you see? i saw the inside of your cell. stay with him. all right. he's still above us, anyway. i've faced this evil twice before - i guess i've gotten sensitive to it -- you're really a doctor? what's that book? i don't buy "just a book" from a guy who says we can't leave the planet without the library. you don't have any food in there, do you? in a few hours that's going to sound good. going in and out of suspended animation - christ i probably haven't eaten in a year. aces. are you sure you're a doctor? well, i'm just hungry. you did that. you burned yourself on the escape pod. thank you, i guess. blood. the abbot. what are you doing down here, father? you look like you've seen something that doesn't exist. i thought you said the evil was inside me -- that sealing me up was the answer to all your problems? i only tried to warn you. father, we're all on the run from the same monster so let's not resort to the fire and brimstone routine. i've been enlightened about your "movement." pretty funny to be tried for heresy on a planet of heretics. and with you as their leader. so you, protector of knowledge and truth, lied to them. you're as bad as the company. that's why you ran. after all your talk death stared you in the face and you were afraid. the alien. don't move. don't breath. floor's too unstable to try to walk around them. he's thinking like a leader. everyone: grab wood. spring the traps. clear a path. good work, father john. brother. let's go. tied. without sleep, food -- i just feel my age. figuring hyperspace time, i'm almost a hundred. yeah - a hundred years ago. an antique. go ahead and what? i'll get to it, but listen to me -- you may dress like you're living in the middle ages but you can't treat me like your chambermaid, or whatever monks had. shit. finishes hot wiring. the keyboard hums to life. her fingers fly across the keys -- it's open!! stands in open technology room doorway -- we wait. john!! follows john and anthony into the technology room. on the other side of the doorway: another keyboard. she punches keys -- she's breathing heavy. she's wearing a sweat soaked tank top. her eyes flit from side to side. then up. then down. she pokes the weapon out ahead of her and moves into the pod. she silently crosses the distance to newt's sleep tube: no. no! i beat you! i beat you mother fucker!! what are you writing? is he --? i'm sorry. yeah. lead me not into temptation to kick your -- ahh -- oh shit. where is the big boy -? it's playing with us. it could get in here any time it wants. let's talk about the facts, mr. abbot. this is your technology? well then, the facts are that we're screwed. an eco system. nothing to recycle your atmosphere except the green plants. winds generated down here -- windmills use the natural surface winds to turn wheels underground, create tides on the seas to recirculate your water. probably pumping this air through charcoal filters. it gets colder all the time here, right? your wood burning fires throw soot into the atmosphere, building the cloud layer - cutting off the sun's rays - cooling the planet, forcing you to burn more wood. don't you see? this is a planet set to self destruct. not in ten minutes or two hours but soon. your atmosphere here is finite. if the plants die the fires will eat up all the oxygen - this planetoid will be dead - everyone will die. wait a minute -- you were exiled --? no, now i understand why i landed here. to join you happy lunatics in your deaths. bastard!! it came out of his fucking head! he sent him to us. that bastard outside. i can't get away from him. he's fucking with my mind. he's my punishment! i don't feel like a discussion of alien biology. i should just wait for the air to run out. your books? your books are gone, brother. your world is gone. once that thing starts to lay its eggs, all your brothers - if they aren't already - are dead. what? give it up. wood? when i saw it in my room it looked the way it did before -- black, mechanical -- unless that was a dream. then the reason they've always looked the same to me is that i only ever saw them in the same environment. maybe it can deposit different types of eggs. the chest burster is probably dormant until the host eats - the first one i ever saw came out of kane after he started to eat -- no. no, we're not beat yet, father -- brother. not yet. if he's taunting me, then maybe we can use that. we can beat this bastard. we can get to my ship. we can live. okay. good luck. sit tight. he could be waiting on the other side of that door. we might not get ten feet before he kills the three of us. where is the light coming from? what do we do? your hands okay? i was a warrant officer on a ship -- but i did all my sailing in space. how old were you when they towed this satellite out here? what happened to your mother? did you know that i was a mother? no. on earth. i never mentioned my daughter. my daughter. i have - had i guess, by now - a daughter on earth. kathy. she was nine when i signed on to the nostromo. mommy will be home before you know it i said. my shares would have set us up good. then i lost sixty years floating around in a rescue pod. thanks to the alien. i came home to face a bitter, 70 year old woman. my daughter. a little girl who's mother never came home. they said i should have been happy to be alive. funny, huh? that's why i went back the second time. not so i could fight it -- you can't fight it -- so i could let it kill me. thanks for the try father -- brother, but i'm not looking for absolution. i couldn't be a good mother to my daughter. i couldn't be a good mother to newt. but i can be a good mother to you. i can make sure you survive. blood. don't think about it. don't think about what's up there. just row. holy shit. stop. how far? john - it's too late -- pulls a blowing iron from the rack. feels its weight and balance. a reasonable weapon. she crosses to john. you had to. you're supposed to end suffering. let's get the hell out of here. he's made a mess. i'm glad. really. but we've probably only got a few minutes before this entire place goes up in flames. just grab whatever books you want and -- is there another way out? you wanna give it a bandage? look -- where is my ship from here? here's the plan -- forget the books! shit. don't --! tries to pull herself up to the floor above -- the next level is a raging fire. aargh. i'm fine. let's get the fuck out of -- beat. beat him - ugh -- don't worry. ship. just -- don't be stupid -- they're lost. you did your best. if you get out, it wasn't in vain. we've got to live!! i told you -- the earth is still there -- not working. it means i don't know how long i was in hyper sleep. it means my clock isn't working. we have to get out of here. even if he was right this ship's onboard computer is filled with man's knowledge. then man starts over. he's done it before. okay. the seals weren't broken so we're probably clear. but those dead monks out there are going to start hatching soon. let's get ready to take off. here, i need a compressor tank from in that compartment. i know. i locked you in. i'm not going with you. i've got one inside me. i figured it out. that's why it didn't kill me. he must have impregnated me when i was in the stasis tube. it hasn't come out yet because i haven't eaten, it's still dormant. so either i eat and it kills me or i don't eat and i starve to death. either way i die. what, an exorcism? no good. i've set a time lock. when the pod escapes the colony's gravitational pull this compartment will open. then all you have to do is get into the stasis tube with mattias and press the blue button. with any luck a freighter or something will pick you up. good luck. it always wins. we killed it, but it's still inside me -- you're my last chance. if i can keep you alive it'll make up for all those i've lost. what is this stuff? i don't -- why? but you -- you'll die -- no - wait! john!