big, black shiny-smooth head moves into the taper light. it moves towards her, cable-like arms held out at its side -- moving out of sync with its feet -- ripley tries to move - to cry out -- she can't. rises out of the grass in front of the holy man. slowly rises up to its height of almost three meters. it's long, smooth head is no longer black and slimy. adapted itself to look like wood. steps towards anthony -- snap-snap-snap-ap-!! traps snap closed on its tail, its legs -- tail wraps around john's waist -- pulls him towards it -- lifts him - turns him upside down -- acid blood dissolves the traps' steel jaws. pulls itself free. head whips towards the escaping monks -- if it had eyes they would narrow to slits in anger -- runs up the hall -- yards away -- limping. hissing. standing in the open doorway. it's in bad shape from the man traps. lost a foot. tongue hanging out, useless. parts of it look like wood. parts of it look like wheat. limps into the room dragging one foot. it's breathing is labored. dripping acid blood leaves a thin trail of fire behind it.