i have interrupted the course of the voyage. i am programmed to do so if certain conditions arise. i have intercepted a transmission of unknown origin. a voice transmission. i have recorded the transmission. unknown. it is none of the 678 dialects spoken by technological man. yes. there are two points of salient interest. number one: it is highly systematized, indicating intelligent origin. number two: certain sounds are inconsistent with the human palate. 65330 dash 99. i have a temporary sequence on the monitor -- attention! the cooling units for the stardrive engines are not functioning! engines will overload in 4 minutes, 50 seconds! attention! attention! engines will overheat and main core will melt in 4 minutes, 30 seconds! attention! engines will overload in 4 minutes! attention! engines will overload in 3 minutes, 30 seconds! attention! engines will overload in 3 minutes! the reaction has proceeded too far. the core has begun to melt. engines will overload in 2 minutes, 35 seconds. attention! engines will overload in 2 minutes! attention! engines will explode in 90 seconds! attention! engines will explode in 60 seconds!