ohh. i must be alive, i feel dead. cold! just a minute, hold it, i'm checking. martin, this is jay. the intakes are clogged with dust. we overheated and burned out a whole cell. hard to say. right. talk to you. yeah! i never saw anything as fine as this dust. these cells are all pitted on a microscopic level. i have to polish these things smooth again, so it's going to take a while. okay? the way i figure it, they landed here for repairs or something, then they couldn't take off again. maybe the dust ruined their engines. they set up an s.o.s. beacon, but nobody came. so they died. what? well. i'm going to have to blow the engines out. oh -- i'm not near ready yet. right. you ready up there? okay. i'm going to start the extraction procedure now. as what? sorry to interrupt, but i'm gonna charge up the engines for a minute, okay? yes? what is it? why, what's wrong? what do you mean? what the hell's going on? hurt! how? is it alive? here, let me try. excuse me, i've got work to do. hey, guess what? the engines are fixed. this dust is getting clogged in the intakes again! well, we should at least be able to each buy our own planet. i kind of like it. it grows on you. yes, i know what they make it out of, so what? it's food now. you're eating it. what was that? what the christ was that? shit. the water will still recycle. we could put on our pressure suits and blow all the air out of the ship. that would kill it. we could cut a section out of that metallite netting. it won't hold up to that acid, but aside from that it's pretty strong. might even incinerate the damn thing. with these. tracking device. you set it to search for a moving object. it hasn't got much range, but when you get within a certain distance, it starts beeping. it's clear. nothing yet. nothing. we can move pretty fast as long as there's nothing on the tracker. hold it. i've got something. machine's screwed up, i can't tell. needle's spinning all over the dial. no, just confused. it's coming from below us. that way. bulbs burned out, nobody bothered to replace 'em. hold it. it's within 4 meters. well we better do something. i know what we can do. we can pump poison gas into the room and kill it. through those ventilator slots there. somebody gimme a hand, i'll get the stuff. looks like he helped himself. all over the ship; we'll have to check the charts to know for sure. that one section of the ventilator shaft has only two outlets -- you notice? the food storage room on one end -- poison gas. how about a flamethrower? that wouldn't poison the air. well, uh. good luck. i hope you won't need me, but if you do, i'm here. hey, are you guys still there? what's going on? right. what happened? where's sandy? dead! it's still in the ship? there's some more combustible fuel down in the storage lockers next to the lounge. i'll go get it. you just sealed it off; it can't get to that section. right. it's in the lock -- blow the main lock. it's in the main air lock. blow the lock.