is it over? boy, that's terrific. i don't know. seems to me we came on this trip to make some credit, not to go off on some kind of side trip. what's happening? phenomenal. staggering. or a mass grave. i've completely lost their signal. i'm trying. what? what was that? i'm getting nowhere. the whole area around the pyramid is dead to transmission. i think we should go after them. what do you mean, no? but they don't know about the translation! they could be in danger right now. why, you chickenshit bastard -- i've got 'em! they're back on my screens! three blips! they're coming this way! jay, this is cleave! meet me at the main air lock! martin, i'm by the inner lock door! i'll wait here for you to let them in! don't know -- broussard got hurt somehow. don't know -- maybe we'll be real lucky and he just broke his neck. i knew we shouldn't of come down here. outer door's open. oh -- god -- oh -- that thing, god almighty, didn't you try to get it off him? hey now, what is this? yeah. well, maybe he should have. i mean, you brought the goddamn thing in here. maybe you deserve to get slapped. i keep my mouth pretty much shut, but i don't like hitting. where did it come from? how does he breathe? yeah, but how? his nose and mouth are blocked. what is it -- i can't tell anything -- oh. god. it doesn't make any sense. it paralyzes him. puts him into a coma. then keeps him alive. well, can't we kill it? i mean, we can't leave the damn thing on him. how about cutting it off? we can't pull it loose, but we can cut off everything but the bottom layer, where it's stuck to his face. it's eating a hole in the floor! careful, don't get under it! what's happening up here? but this thing uses it for blood. it makes me sick to see him like that. this is horrible. that must have been when he got it. you can't tell -- that kind of stuff could represent printed circuits. listen, hadn't somebody better check on broussard? i'll come with you. what do you mean? how could anything be indigenous to this asteroid? it's dead. it's gone. now we're in for it. well, what the hell good can we do in here? we can't grab it -- it might jump on us -- yes? he's running a fever. yes. the machine will bring his temperature down. his vital functions are strong. boy do i feel a lot better. it's a straight shot back to the colonies, and then we can start taking bids on the paydirt. any bets on the top bid? do we have to talk about this kind of crap at the dinner table? oh, no. oh, no. we'd be sitting ducks in the freezers. and then we run out of food and oxygen. i think i could cobble something together. a long metal rod with a battery in it. give it a hell of a shock. these have portable generators in them. they're insulated down to here -- just be careful not to touch the end. don't worry, it won't damage it, it'll just give it a little incentive. we saw it inside and slammed the door on it! it's in there now! i hate to open that door. maybe we don't have to. it's trapped in there. we could just leave it in there all the way back to irth. god damn it. it escaped. have we got any food at all left in the ship? -- and the cooling unit on the other. we can't pump poison gas down into the cooling unit! it'll flood the whole ship! sounds like a rough one. right. hey, do you guys read me down there? okay, i'm starting now. hey, you guys. i don't think this shaft goes on too much farther. anyway it's getting pretty hot in here. good. what happened? where is it? where's melkonis? you mean his body was still kicking when it ran off with him? at least it can't get up here now. listen, it sure didn't like this flamethrower. thing is, i'm about out of fuel. we sure need this flamethrower. recognizable! in that? well. i suppose that star-shaped thing could be the parasite that got on broussard. is that what you mean? -- the big one. and there it is. and broussard got caught in their reproductive cycle. oh my god. oh no! we can't fight this thing! there's only six hours of air left -- we're dead men! how? we can't kill it on board. it's huge now and must have tremendous amounts of that acid in its body. blow the ship up? what about all the minerals and elements in the cargo hold? that's the only reason we came out here. we'd have to abandon them all. we'd be broke. good! that's good! we can use the flamethrower. the flamethrower needs more fuel. which explosive should we use? hold it! up there. should we go outside and bring him in? this should do it. what we really need is some red meat in here for bait. whoever's doing the herding is gonna have their hands pretty full. i think somebody should stay by the lifeboat to slam the door on the thing once it's inside, and to serve as. as. hey look, somebody has to have his hands free to lock the creature in the lifeboat! just keep your finger off the button till she's way away from the ship, that's all. if you press the button right now, it will blow the whole nose of the ship off. it's coming from down there. it must have stopped moving. i'm not getting anything. the flamethrower!