the men are strapping in, but this time it is with grim determination. the whole ship vibrates violently for an instant -- then all the panels in the room flash simultaneously and the light's go out. the whole crew has assembled. faust is unfolding several yards of shimmering metallic netting. the screens are showing them a schematic of the ship's system of ventilator shafts. standard, roby and hunter enter and drop into chairs. faust follows shortly. they all look blank, stunned. standard, roby and hunter are staring at the pictures. the call from faust catches standard in mid-sentence. standard hesitates, starts to frame a reply -- then changes his mind and runs to his console -- and throws the switch. instantly, a tremendous windstorm starts up as the ship's air is sucked out toward the lock. the three survivors -- standard, roby and hunter -- slump into chairs. roby is putting the cat into a metal, vacuum-sealed catbox, with a little oxygen tank on it.