followed by the others, standard frantically clangs down the stairs to the level below. the men run down the passageways, standard carrying the dripping thing in the tongs. it leaves little smoking droplets on the floor. standard is walking purposefully along the corridor, alone. he is garmented in an unusual outfit which makes him look like a riot policeman, including clear plastic helmet. melkonis and roby carry the net, while faust walks directly behind it, carrying the tracking device. he continually scans it from side to side. roby, faust, and melkonis charge down the hallways until they arrive at: roby walks along watching the tracker, carrying a pistol in the other hand. he comes across standard's flamethrower, lying on the floor. he picks it up, substituting it for the pistol. roby hurries on, listening to the siren. like a maniac, roby runs through the ship, level after level, pounding down stairwells, his footsteps clanging metallically throughout the ship as he sprints for the engine room. again, roby must run through all the levels of the ship, this time up the stairs, exhausted, stumbling, while the computer counts down: