the entire crew -- standard, roby, broussard, melkonis, hunter, and faust -- are all seated around a table, with standard at the head. the entire crew is seated around the conference table, watching holographic pictures projected onto a screen. these are photos taken by their "datasticks" . roby is alone in the room, slumped into a chair, watching the photographic slides on the screen. he is clicking slowly through them. he stops on an angle of the skeleton, and stares at it. again we are watching slides in the darkened room. this time standard, roby, melkonis, and hunter are watching the sequence of photographs taken automatically by broussard's datastick as he probed the tomb. the cat is strolling around as roby and melkonis drop into seats; standard draws a cup of coffee from the machine. the entire crew is seated around the table, eating huge portions greedily. the cat eats from a dish on the table.