titles end, and we start to pull back into the slug-mobile and hear: the alien rears back, and as he does, the approaching siren suddenly wails louder as a backup patrol car swings onto the street heading this way. kipling sees this and leaves sykes, running off down the dark tunnel. sykes whips around in a roundhouse swing with all his weight on it, pistoning his fist straight into the alien face. the alien, caught by surprise and off balance, sprawls backward out of frame. sykes is grabbed by a human uniformed cop, as he tries to swing again. the punk newcomer in the next seat is keeping his head down, trying to be inconspicuous. harcourt and kipling have walked down almost to the waterline. we hear watson's gurgles and screams. then nothing. kipling is very nervous this close to the water. harcourt seems unperturbed. jetson, half sitting up, holds the smoking casull.