sykes lies there, holding his arm, breathing hard, relieved that he has escaped. sykes sees the phantom figure land on the boat near the cabin. the fishing boat chugs up the channel toward the open sea. sykes is on all fours, clawing his way up the fishing net toward the back of the boat. harcourt gets one hand on his leg. sykes jerks his leg away, and harcourt's claws dig deep through sykes' pants into his legs as he pulls away. sykes bellows in pain. sykes manages to pull himself up into the dinghy hanging over the stern of the fishing boat. he pushes to the back of the dinghy as harcourt's savage visage appears at the bow. harcourt grins -- the predator with his prey trapped. harcourt turns, sees the captain on the bridge above him. he reaches for a wood-handled gaff nearby. he rears back with it and lets it fly like a spear. harcourt is thrown into the dinghy with sykes. as harcourt recovers, sykes spots the release for the tie line on the dinghy. he lunges forward, throwing the ratchet. the line plays out, and the dinghy slides backward into water!