thank you all for that very warm reception. i'm particularly grateful because i actually had the gall to write that in my notes: "thank you all for that very warm reception". imagine how embarrassed i would've been if it hadn't have been such a warm reception. yes. sergeant. detective. i wasn't aware there were any newcomers at the rank of detective yet. congratulations. this is my administrative assistant, rudyard kipling. yes, i heard about poor warren. tragic. that's right. he and i, along with seven or eight others. listen, gentlemen, i will be happy to assist you in any way i can -- unfortunately, at the moment, i'm overdue at another function. mr. mayor. excellent idea. ray, i wonder if you know two of your police officers. detective jetson and sykes. please feel free to call my office monday morning for an appointment. congratulations again on your promotion, detective. remember. you're out there setting an example in our community. i'll be keeping an eye on you. this is becoming a serious breach of security. it is his new partner that i'm worried about. any progress? i understand you have been resisting my offer mr. watson. your sense of duty to mr. strader is noble, but -- no longer an issue, i'm afraid. i will not make this offer again. i want you to work for me, to manage the nightclub as strader's successor. if you do, you will know a wealth and comfort our people never dared imagine. it is such a pity to die for an outmoded value. mr. quint, i believe it's time for our friend's swimming lesson. it's important to learn new skills. essential to your growth as a person. this is getting out of hand. i want you to deal with it. immediately. we must learn to embrace the things we fear. and from that grow strong. quite lovely. what is your name again? i will have to remember that. it's been a long time, hasn't it, gentlemen? a sweet indulgence from out past. resurrected for our future. please feel free to sample the quality. the experience will be everything you remember it to be. i arranged to spend some time with three very resourceful men. with a certain amount of coaxing, one of them was able to reconstitute the formula for me. they worked very well together. unfortunately, they are no longer with us. but i was fortunate enough to reap the benefit of their endeavor. and that's all the effect it will have on you. but when my fellow newcomers learn they can obtain it here, they will work very hard. to make as much money as they can. to give it to me. if you release that button, you not only kill us, but yourself. one small matter seems to have escaped your attention. that-- -- is not on any books as a controlled substance. legally it might as well be fifty kilos of. grape jelly. todd? who is todd. ah, poor mr. watson. kill them both. do it! here! no, sergeant -- not history. eternity. looking for me, sergeant?