the sun-gun hits jetson standing on the dock, frantically waving his badge at the 'copter, signaling it down. the pilot starts to take it down. jetson is barely in the seat as it lifts away from the dock. he has to catch himself from falling out the open door. below, uniformed cops are now seen rushing out onto the dock. jetson's face is bathed in sweat as he looks out at the channel water racing past beneath. they come up on the boat and the pilot plays the sun-gun onto the deck, looking for movement, finally pinning sykes and harcourt at the stern dinghy. jetson watches this happen. jetson reacts to sykes and harcourt battling in the dinghy below. jetson hangs in the open door, watching in horror, wanting to help, knowing he can't. jetson screws up his courage and turns to the pilot. sykes plops on the floor, soaked, battered, holding his limp arm. jetson is quickly whipping off his jacket, wrapping the dry part around his own arm, wincing in pain. the pilot stare down at the circle of water where they just pulled sykes from.