mr. hubley was an all right guy -- and a damn good manager. the men liked him. i'm really gonna have to scramble to fill his shoes. you think this is the guy who did it? to be honest, it's hard to say. i hate to admit it but -- they all still kinda look alike to me. wait. you know who it looks like? yeah. anderson. uh. james anderson. he isn't in today. he took the afternoon off. yes it is. thirty-five percent pure methane gas in there. i don't know how these fellas do it. hey, what are you, crazy?! you can't come in here like this! hey! what drug? this is an oil refinery, you. you. can't do. this! they took the stuff out, all of it -- this afternoon. about fifty kilos. of concentrate. and some street grade. in tubes. encount. encounters club.