jeez. they call that gang-bang a game? take a hike. why's it have to be sour milk that these guys get wasted on? what the hell's wrong with jack daniels, or thunderbird for chrissakes? slagtown. shit. hope their plumbing's the same. how can i go? what? goddammit, tug -- i want to see kristin get married, okay? but-- shit, if kristin had to get married where i could afford it, we'd be holding the reception at buddy's burgers. uh-oh. check it out. does that look at all suspicious to you? let's do it, partner. you got your vest? yeah, that's comforting. mine, too. i got him. don't get pinned. aw, shit. get outta there! i'll cover you! get outta there!! aw shit, tug, jesus! goddamn it! get the hell away from me! i don't need your goddamn help. you saying there's some connection to this other homicide? so, you think there's a connection, or what? hey! so what've you got on tuggle's killers? you don't have squat. yeah, i know it's gonna take time. like until the ice capades opens in hell, with you two on it. captain. i'd like to volunteer for duty with the new detective. departmental policy. there's another case i'd like to take. a homicide -- a newcomer named hubley. granger and pitts have one hell of a caseload. and i would have thought with jetson here being the first newcomer plainclothes, and hubley's body being found over in the newcomer community. and we work my hours. i'll do the driving, you do the paperwork. you gotta learn it so you might as well do it all. what's that? look, jetson. get this straight in your head. we're not pals, we're not married, and we ain't gonna take long moonlight walks together. we're just partners. and don't call me sergeant. call me sykes. or matt if you have to. wait a minute. george? george jetson? man, somebody really hung one on you! i've heard some good ones for you guys. humphrey bogart, harley davidson. i guess the people at immigration got a little punchy after a while, coming up with names for a quarter of a million of you. you weren't at the back of the line, were you, george? gesundheit. you don't mind if i stick to george, do you? anyway, what's it matter to you if we think it's funny, right? whatta you care? let's talk hubley. with two bri sabot slugs in the chest. nice signal, dickwad! terrific. a real pillar of the community. was hubley missing anything when they found him? was he ripped off? the guys at the mini-mart last night made a half-assed stab at the money in the till -- but i don't think that's what they were there for. i think we got us a couple'a executions on our hands, george. look, you want to fit in here, right? you want to learn how to get along? well, there's a thing about partners, about being somebody's partner. you do for each other. and other people's rules don't mean shit. it's the rules set up between the two of you, that's all that counts. understand? okay. well, my friend and partner was shot last night and i'm after the shitbag that did it. as my partner, i'm asking you to respect me and help me find him. nothing's wrong. i just want to get something straight. you agree that there's a good chance these two shootings are somehow related, right? possibly. good. well, would you be willing to accept the theory, george, that. possibly. by examining the evidence from one case we might shed some small ray of light on the other? does that sound unreasonable to you? great. well, i'm sure glad that's settled, aren't you? i think we're really starting to click now, george -- hmmm? come on. you got nothin' better to do, cushy county job like yours. the human? fedorchuk couldn't find his ass with his hands in his back pockets. yeah. lucky nothing. i had to empty my damn gun into him. yeah, i'll bet. what's this? what's going on? nothing? a rubber. a condom. you know. coney island whitefish? men, human men, put them on their, uh -- penises -- to protect against having babies. you need this for anything? get the picture? well. yeah, it's rubber. it stretches. what is this stuff? how the hell do you know that? so the slag they're cutting into upstairs worked at a refinery just like hubley worked at a refinery. i'd say that "possible" connection between the two cases just got a hell of a lot more possible. okay, next step -- i gotta go talk to the wife of the slag store owner blown away last night. why the hell--?! great, fine. you talk to the wife. well, one of the men didn't like him so much. we think he could'a been involved, yeah. you know him? who else can i ask around here? i think you're gonna find he's taken the rest of his life off. that where anderson worked? jesus. welcome back ozzie and harriet. did you learn anything? aw-right. what about the other guy? did you talk to him? william harcourt? i'm sergeant sykes, and this is detective jetson, los angeles police department. rudyard kipling? no shit? listen, we just need a minute of your time. you were partners with him on some slag -- uh, newcomer real estate thing. go on ahead. i'll be right in. what'd you dig up for me? what is it? only holds five. no. two. well, let's see what you got, cochise. gimme six, rapid fire. how long you been shooting? that's pitiful. whattya gonna do if somebody draws down on you, wave your scores on the written exam at 'em? why'd i do what? my partner is dead! because one of you bastards killed him -- then disappeared into a rathole down in slagtown, where he's home and dry, 'cause nobody sees nothing, nobody says nothing. but he didn't figure on you, george. you're going to get me through that wall of silence. you're going to make them talk to me. you're going to help me find that slag son-of-a- bitch. comprendo? and if fedorchuk and the boys in the bullpen don't like it, screw them. and if the captain doesn't like it, screw him. and if all the slags down in slagtown don't like it. well screw them too! okay, just stay back and do what i do. watch and learn, watch and learn. i can't see dick in here. which one'a you slags is porter? who said that? my name is sykes. i'm-- you porter? your name wouldn't happen to be porter, would it? back off, george. i'll handle it. jesus, are the questions too tough for you already? let's try again-- is your name porter? what's that? screw me? that can't be right. tell me. that's very colorful. but see -- now i've got a problem. i don't seem to be getting much cooperation from you, porter. so i guess we're gonna have to take this little session down to my office, ya know? stay back! i'm okay. you know that guy? how could a straight-arrow like you ever pick a roommate like him? one of the two men was hubley, right? what about the other one? did you know him? yeah, i heard of it. yeah, sure. i knew that. i don't think i could ever learn to read that shit. how long did it take you to learn english? my neighbor's kid has a newcomer girl in his class. she's six years old and in seventh grade already. oh, god. i think i got yours here. which one is that? raw what? i'll bet. would it really put you out if they tossed that on the grill for a minute or two? oh, that's real attractive. you got fur in your teeth, george. come on, man, we're gonna be talking to people. jeez. so what was that other word for human. slow ka? and what was that one about my mother? that was a good one. yeah, that's it. say it slow. we're looking for your boss -- strader. no problem. look, we're not here doing an interview for the school paper. this is a homicide investigation. and if you don't stop jerkin' us around, i'm ready to start playin' hardball. does that cost extra or you throw them in? the girl out front mentioned strader's assistant, somebody named watson. maybe he knows. not unless i got real drunk and nobody told me about it later. there's lots of things i haven't done, but his ain't high on the list. don't take it personally. i like my horizons narrow. my voice, body, and everything else is saying i'll be back in two hours for strader, and he better damn well be here. freeze! now! fire escape! end of the hall! i'll be damned. it worked. how'd you like that, huh? whammo! both barrels. dropped him like a bag of cement. who is he? your girlfriend put up a better fight than you did, pal. we were chasing you because you ran, you dumb son-of-a-bitch. watson. this is my partner here's first coupla days, and he wants to make a good impression. me, though, the way i feel -- this could be my last day, know what i mean? and i'm ready to rain on you like a cow pissin' on a flat rock. what do you think? through his ass. next time you see him, tell him to call me. unless you want us to keep coming back on you like a bad case of herpes. george, you can handle the women from now on, you mind? so, she keeps you on a pretty short leash, does she? yeah. i know the routine. was. divorced. it's like having an eleventh finger removed. it hurts like hell, but you never really needed the damn thing in the first place. i appreciate your honesty, george. ignore the bitch on the left, that's edie. i call her edi amin. this is kristin, my daughter. it's kinda an old picture. she's twenty now. getting married, in fact. on sunday. maybe not. i don't know. i'm not sure i'm gonna go. she doesn't need her burn-out of a father there. you open to a piece of advice? tell people you named him after richard burton, the actor. just take my word for it. and so, and so the doctor says, "if this is the thermometer, then where'd i leave the pen?" you're not. you don't think that's funny? george, work with me, i always get a laugh with that one. look, if the doctor's got the thermometer in his hand, then where's his pen gotta be? sticking out of his ass. yeah! see, that's what makes it a joke. there's like a surprise, and your mind fills in the funny picture. here's this guy with a pen stuck in his ass and he thinks it's a thermometer. nada, huh? your health. no shit, holmes. you're only from another goddamn planet, for chrissakes. don't count on me, george. i never had any ideals. yeah, well. except i did hear you eat your dead. you son-of-a-bitch. you're okay. yeah, go home. get some sleep. you do sleep, don't you? what a wildman. this better be good news or money. where'd you get this?!! george, she's not gonna divorce you. you mate for life, remember? yeah. well, let's roll, george. come on, let's go, dude. surf's up! why? come on, you won't have to get near the water. all right, okay. keep your pantyhose on. jeez, when in doubt, freak out, for chrissake. it's all right, george. it's cool. just wait here, all right? i'll be back in a coupla minutes. how're you two doing on tuggle's killer? yeah, that's real good. you guys follow up on that for a coupla months. i'd like to see you next to a sea of hydrochloric acid, fedorchuk. see how much surfin' you'd do. cute. lay off, asshole. yeah? you're a real honest-to-god detective? then detect these! nothing. so we've got three guys dead. all newcomers, all killed the same way -- execution style. and porter ran a piece of shit mom-and-pop mini-mart. so what the hell's the connection? you guys finished the postmortem on strader yet? what kind of test? did he find anything? well? what's this nothing shit? it wasn't nothing yesterday when you asked bentner to run that test and he looked like he was about to shit peach pits, and it's not nothing now. don't lie to me, george, you're bad at it. no, see, i don't leave you alone. i'm your partner. i don't work that way. tug didn't work that way. no secrets, goddammit! you don't hold back from me. whatever is going on, you're gonna tell me now! the hell it isn't, when somebody wires up enough c-4 explosive to my car to turn me into pink mist! that slag was on something, and not sour milk, either? am i right? tell me! what is it? how potent? we? you've taken it? where did he get it? was there any of it on the ship? jesus, this is major. why didn't you tell me sooner? why'd you hold out on me? george. look me in the eye. george, you don't ever lie to me again. george? how about you drive. there's gotta be some other connection. try joshua strader, will ya, darlin'? yeah -- we met him. wonderful boy. close personal friend of george's here. holy shit. look what we're staring at: three newcomers with nothing in common, right? what if it's just one other guy who killed these three? three and one make four. four newcomers. of totally different backgrounds. you and the store owner's son -- that punker! can you dig up their quarantine records in this thing? harcourt was the brain who brought it all together. okay, george -- we gotta play this real smart. no, george -- you're missing the point. the drug is evidence. we need to have the evidence, ya know? that's the guy. so much for playing it smart. is that it? uh, george. george, uh. you're gonna break his little chest bones. don't piss him off, o'neal. when he gets like this, i can't control him. i've seen this before. he got like this once -- i saw him jerk a guy's spine out and show it to him. nothing i could do. i hadda go throw up. george, c'mon -- lighten up. it's a beauty of a case. don't sweat it -- we got him by the short hairs. he ain't gonna make any more of the shit. why? what's the big goddamn deal? (continuing; as jetson starts the car you destroy that drug, you destroy the case. don't blow the whole thing now by not following procedure. hey!! george! goddammit!! police. get out. i need this thing. out, now! you okay? shit! move your goddamned cars! move a finger, harcourt, and you're history. it'd be for your own good. i think you'd be better off with a partner who's a little more. by the book. . still, i gotta tell you, george, for a quiet guy, you're sure hell on wheels once you get going. i'd kinda hate to miss your next two days as a detective. let's go, partner. and it's shooting. singular. nope. i didn't shoot harcourt. he o.d.'d. what's this about, george? i know that look. do what?! george-- ?! what is this?! harcourt is dead. tell me about it. i never thought i'd say this, but -- for once in my life i think i'm willing to wait for back-up. why the hell are you so dead set against back-up? but there's no more drug. looked like every other damn slag to me. just plain ugly. how do i look? george, uh. i want to apologize now, in advance, for all the rotten things i'll ever say or do to you over the years. what a wildman.