what? i checked 'em an hour ago. trust me, boss. vriess. forget it. he's been sucking down too much homebrew. 1 hate machines. i don't like army. that's it. i'm out. i'm fucked. deal me out. it's not my night. jesus, johner, what do you put in that shit, battery acid? there's no point, is there? it's already out of you. christ. is it here? is it on board? those sick fucks. i can make it stop. the pain. this nightmare. that's all i can offer you. what are you? ellen ripley died two hundred years ago. i've read morse -- i've read all the banned histories. she gave her life to protect us from the beast. you're not her. you're a thing. a construct. they grew you in a fucking lab. and now they've brought the beast out of you. what? help me. if there's anything human in you at all, help me stop them before this thing gets loose. you want that. not so long as there's breath-in me. they got nothing to do with this, wren. i'm gonna finish this. i have to stop him. if i don't we'll all die. nothing. not a goddanm thing. you thought you could control it. christie! hillard! come on! christie, she's not human. wren cloned her because she was carrying an alien in her. she'll turn on us! just like that! you can't trust her. vriess! 'the meat' . jesus. the ship's been going since the attack. oh, god. oh, you bastard. if those things get to earth, it'll be. we've got to blow the ship. three hours. almost. don't you understand what this means? look, you come with us. it's dangerous here. fuck you. we're not leaving anyone on this boat. we can't just leave him. there's gotta be another way. if we freeze him -- he comes with us. we can freeze him on the betty and get the doctor to remove it later. since you were born without balls. we've got to help them! you bitch, let go of me! what? we ? stop this. i think you still might. and you don't care about anything else. to kill you, remember? because somebody has to. ripley! ripley. don't do it. don't do that. he's right. we're gonna have to do it this way. no locked doors? do i have to tell everyone to take a deep breath? the blood'll burn you! throw it! hurry! get on! i'm fine. yeah. come on. i'm fine! leave me alone. no. i can't. there's another way. i can't. i can't. i burned my modem drive. we all did. don't make me do this. i don't want to go in there. it's like. your insides are liquid. it's not real. dammit. hold on. breach in sector seven sector three sector nine unstable -- engines operating at eighty we burned too much energy -- i can't make critical mass. i can't blow it. ground level recalibrated. new destination 760, 403. done. forty one minutes until impact. tracking movement in sublevels six through nine. video is down. attempted rerouting nonhuman. it's done. that should hold the fuck. don't touch me. you must think this is pretty funny. why do you go on living? how can you stand it? how can you stand. yourself? at least there's part of you that's human. i'm just. fuck. look at me. i'm disgusting. i . we have neural processors that run through. yes. why? let's get going. what is it? we should get moving. st just! can you walk? ripley i'm not fucking carrying you ripley. jesus. come on. what. ? ripley! it's not right. right. johner, take purvis to the freezer. no she's not. fucking shoot me. don't shoot it! betty's hull is too thin! don't shoot it! almost there. almost there. now!!! i am! johner! fire! find me a path! let her in! find me a patch of land! i'll put her down. to make sure that thing is really dead are you sure? no. i've got to stop it. that thing is thirty minutes old! in a few hours it'll grow up. if it reaches a place with people. ripley! let it come! let it come! ripley! i guess not. so i've heard. it's a drink. you drink it. so, what do you think? what should we do now?