what's our status? we expecting any trouble? all right. that takes me down, too. johner? johner, your deal. looks like a doublecross, boss. who gives a shit! we have to get out of here. what the fuck is going on here? same thing we were doing. we get the fuck. doctor. you know what that thing is? and there's others. how many? you bought your ticket when you killed that thing. welcome aboard. i don't give a syphallitic fuck whether you people can get along or not. if we've got a wish to live then we work together, and that includes bug-lady. i don't trust anyone. cut to: int. chamber. cellblock - a bit later that likes me fine. thought you were toast for certain. we got'a mission here, people. let's keep moving. what about the betty? our ship. then we head for it. faster we get from here to there, the better. so what's our route? sounds reasonable. that's right, i saw that. what? we don't have to do anything till we get off it. how long till we get there? then that's what we got. let's move. i understand my hide. and i like it on me. let's go. let's keep moving. drop the rod, man. do it! you want to get yourself killed, then you run solo. wren. any other way around? we can't just walk in there. say again? excellent. get-ready. okay. hey! what do we do? now hold on ripley, we got no time for sightseeing. had it coming, doc. kawlang maneuver, all right? get it! kill it! a trap! they set a goddamn ambush!