i guarantee that boy's. never seen the inside of a woman. don't cut thrust till six hundred meters. give em a little fright. christie! st just! rise and shine. we're docking. call! call! call! we're docking! are the cargo trucks secured? i don't want em so much as rattled. any leakage, i take it out of your hide. how's it looking? you'll make it good. we're coming in. time to enjoy a little of the general's hospitality. from perez? i doubt it. still, let's be ever vigilant. neither was our cargo. you're not pleading poverty, are you? just the ones that don't like their every transaction recorded. the fringe element. constantly. i'm guessing whatever you've got going here wasn't exactly approved by congress. out by the handle. we've got a couple of harvesters, we can unload 'em on one of the collectives if vriess and call get 'em working. she is severely fuckable, isn't she? - and the very devil with a socket wrench. she is curious about this little transaction. you can hardly blame her, awfully cloak and dagger. most army research labs don't have to operate outside regulated space. just bed and board, couple of days worth. if we're not imposing. what the fuck is going on here? do you mind telling me what the fuck you're up to? look, if there's a problem tell me what it is. we can work this out, there is no need to get emotional . i do. st just? nice and easy, boys . you're going nowhere, annalee. if call's got something going here i want to know what it is! all right. we make for the betty. can he walk? you can have him when we're off. not before. okay, which way? all right. can you get that one open?