you should see your face. vriess, you must have soiled yourself. well, you already gave him your feet . either of you want a piece of me, i'm less than busy. don't push me, little annalee. you hang with us a while, you'll learn i'm not the man with whom to fuck. moonshine. my own. much more dangerous. ooh. how about a little one on one? what do you say? why should i? i'm in. oh, fuck you! uh, uh, fuck it. i fold. you asshole. just for coloring. bitches should not play with the boys, they will get cleaned out. drop them! i'm not fucking with you! does anyone want me to make this simple? fuck vriess! where are you going? thirty! we are fucked in our pink bottoms if there's thirty of those things. nobody cares about your opinion, you bitch, you fucking mole -- via con dios, man. oh, fuck. doc's got a bug up his ass 'cause call's a mole and he thinks we're a conspiracy. a mole. a fucking spy. can we track those fucking things? we could get to the betty and they could be all over it! well, if we want to make decent time i say we ditch the cripple. we can't shoot them? fuck that, i'm shooting them. earth? i'm not going to that fucking slum. you've come up against these things before? so what did you do ? that wasn't really what i wanted to hear. fuck me . he's what? shit, i don't want one of those things birthing anywhere near my ass. since when are you in fucking charge? good. yeah, let 'em come. here, kitty. hey! fresh meat here! shoot the fucking things! fuck, i'm with her! give 'em annalee! now you're not exactly in the club either, soldier. what's the big deal? fucking waste of ammo. chicks, man. the nasties couldn't have done it, could they? this sucks. give me that! move! fuck! too fucking far. let's g0 ! they can work the elevators? is there anything fucking else we should know about them?! eat that, fuckneck!! call's a goddam sythetic! oh, christ. doing fucking nickel and dime border runs, selling second hand junk to the farm belt. and we're carrying the most expensive piece of contraband in the system. yeah, get your socket wrench, vriess. can't believe i almost fucked the thing. fucking blow the door! just by blinking. yeah, well, we'll sleep when we're dead. what's this fucking deal? st just! come on, man. how long till we can get airborn? we hit atmo in a few minutes, only gonna make it harder. all right. nap time, buddy. have you been paying any attention today? look out! fuck that! vriess! get behind the fucking wheel! forget it! we'll shake it off on descent. we got about forty seconds till we kiss the ground! it's gonna be fucking close. no shit. it's ripley! ripley's on the fucking hatch! fuck no! there's something else out there with her! no. it's something else. look at that fucking thing! we can't open up! that thing isn't going anywhere! that things gone back behind the thrusters! where're you going? i think it's gone! good! great! the bitch takes her time in burning. troopers should be finding our ship any time now. 1 don't much love the idea of being around when they do.