why? how did you. does it grow? it's a queen. it'll breed. you'll die. everyone in the . fucking. . company. will die. 1 doubt that. oh, i am. it's a cancer. you can't teach it tricks. "them" . get away from me. because pain hurts. he. smells beautiful, aren't they? i know. i can hear them. shhhhh. well? you gonna kill me or what? curious. i'm the latest thing. what makes you think i would let you do that? ripley, ellen, lieutenant first class, number 36706. what do you know about it? if i'm not her. what am i? but only god can make a tree. it's in my head. behind my eyes. i can hear it moving. the beast. it's already loose. once the thought . the hope for it . grows here. it has found its way. i've come to terms with the fact of it. it's inevitable. i can. make it . stop. there'll be more. they'll breed. in a few hours there'll be twice that number. they won't. they're breeding. they've got new bodies to work on. they'll stay close. if they send anybody out, it'll be here. where the. meat is. hours. we're moving. the ship is moving. 1 can feel it. clear. yes. i died. leave him. he's carrying. he's got one. inside him. i can smell it. there's a monster in your stomach. they hijacked your cryotube and sold you to him and he put an alien in you. in a few hours it will punch its way through your chest and you'll die. any questions? i'm the monster's mother. can't. at least two. yep. bait. give em a reason to go in there. throw somebody in. do we want to live? give em her. or the skinny one, it doesn't matter. we can't resist the smell of meat. come on! do you want to live or not? i want to live. no. why did you come here? well it's not me. i did my time. now i just want to. don't do what? no. you can't. there's no other way? you're sure? i don't like it. we're locked in. then we climb. fucked if i know. i think i see the door. stop! you were gunshot. i saw. no, i mean. all that crap about being human - there's no one so zealous as a born again. they were-too good. let's go. distephano. where are we? can we get to the ship? another way? we have to get in too. call. come on. don't make me make you. get over it. you can blow the ship. before it reaches earth. kill them all. just give us time to get anything? then crash it. try to clear us a path to the ship. how many? and how do you feel about that? you got a mean strak. let me see yes. but i'm finding a lot of things funny lately. and i'm not sure they are. not so hard. not much choice. do you dream? when i sleep, i dream about it. them. every night. all around me . in me. because no matter how bad the dreams get . when i wake up it's always worse. right. don't count on it. at the other end? nothing. i'm okay. thank,you. which way? which way? where! mistake . mistake. i can hear them, in the hive. it's close. we're on the hive. i can hear them. the queen. she's in pain. they didn't impregnate you? i'm getting out of here. goddamnit, i'm getting the fuck out of here! no! no!! god'. noo!! nooo! godamnit! hit it. is thrown bodily into the windshield -- it's gone. you'll never catch it. no! over here! think? i don't know.