oh great. army food. this place is really clean. raise you two hundred. you'll always wonder. they're breeding. how long does that take? with all the devils of hell in between. we.won't shoot at the windows, doc. that's not our problem. purvis. what's going on is that we're getting the fuck off this ghost ship. we've got no time for that. who? how many? think they heard us? let's move before anything comes to check out the noise. what's to like? these are disposables. they can take it. twenty. split points, give you a good hole even at the smaller caliber. they're big with hitters. 'cause you throw em away after the job. nobody likes throwing away a weapon they're attached to. you know? company! couldn't smell this one out? lm7? shit. that explains a lot. yeah, like you've never fucked a robot. no time to get coy, annalee. hey! check it out! so this is what heaven looks like. you go. i'm bored. damn.