careful . ready with the amnio. watch it! the host? sew her back up. how's our number eight today? this is from -- this is good. this is very good. well, it looks like you're going to make us all very proud. no! no! i'm all right! it's unprecedented. there are gaps. and there's some degree of cognitive dissonance. "it" has some connective difficulties. a kind of low level emotional autism. well, we don't have nearly enough data. but in some cases there is a collective memory passed down generationally. at a genetic level. like instinct, only more complex structurally. yes. it's not like the other ones. yes. that's one of the things we need to study. days. no way of knowing for sure, but i'd say it's accelerated. weyland yutani. our ripley's former employers. terran growth conglom, had some defense contracts under the military. before your time, gediman -- they went under decades ago, bought out by walmart. fortunes of war. we're not flying blind here, you know. this is united systems military, not some greedy corporation. the potential benefits of this race go way beyond urban pacification. and the animal itself is wonderous. they'll be invaluable once we've harnessed them. ripley. don't let's have a scene. i imagine he does. what's the status on the queen? did we do something wrong? father, check security status, observation pen six. good. now the others. i think you're gonna find that this was ill advised. sound the alarm. i want them rounded up. now! where's the other one? with the chair? shut up! you brought her here. no. no! he can't! the sector's closed. the hull's been breached! we'll have to go through the holding cells. here. i do. thirty. there's a console in the guards, station. we can punch up a diagnostic of the ship and plan a route. to your ship. we've had hull breach by the lifeboats, here on level five, and down -- jesus, right by the engine room. we're very lucky. the dock seems to be intact. no. all of the activity seems'to have been in the aft-sector, by the barracks. or less. the process has accelerated, something to do with the cloned cells. i'm trying to figure it. we can cut through the labs, but we're blocked on both sides here, show me. i can override. you people should know -- no. the aliens, they bleed molecular acid. this is a big vessel, and for the most part we should be okay. but if we get anywhere near the outer hull and start strafing them. it's uh, it's standard, i think. i forgot. earth. i couldn't do it here. the lab's torn apart. a parasite. a foreign element that . all right. she's gone. the queen. the cages all have failsafes. liquid nitrogen. get 'em to come to us and i can freeze em. ripley. don't. down here. he is at the front with ripley and-call, where the water is waste deep. we're at the bottom of the ship. some of the worst damage is down here. there's the noncom's entrance back there, but it's flooded too, and it's a longer run. it's just through the kitchen, then up, maybe seventy feet. yes. it's an open hall. just keep left when you hit the bottom of the staircase. up here. up through the lift shaft! up! not far! it's jammed! shit! gun! father, reboot systems on 45v, authorization 'starling'. father, locate power drain, report. fuck with me and i put a bullet where her brain is! distephano! take their weapons. drop it! drop it or we all die together! the fucking robot is going to plug back into the auriga and land it according to standard operational procedure. i can handle the animals! shut up!!!