little fuckers move too fast. let's do a sweep and catch 'em on the other side. meteor, i guess. d'you feel any impact shock? me either. i tell you, i used to be with a mining outfit on callisto, and when something like that hits. believe me, you know about it. that is the damndest impact i've ever saw. found anything? well, just keep looking. it's gotta be. whoa, jesus! it's a rhino. no, it's still breathing. kinda clammy though. are you sure your stick's not broken. god, i hope that thing didn't bring down a virus. looks like a spore. fungus of some kind, maybe? it's hollow. think our rhino must've ate something that didn't agree with him. wait a minute. this is very fucking weird. it's like something came out of the crater and went that way. yeah. this's closed. hey, c'mon doc, i feel fine. really. the head's okay, but i could sink a six-pack. we. watched a meteor hit over linson's. yeah, it impacted really off. we went out to the crash-site. and. uh. that's. that's all. no. not really, no. ugly little sonuvabitch. what is it? what did york say? vanished? can i. um. have some water? please? oh. oh god. it's nothing, doc. just a. touch of indigestion. something. uh-huh. yeah.