c'mon, man. one more sweep. ah, quit griping. keeps you in shape doesn't it? listen to that. that's what i mean. this is the quietest i've ever heard it. it's unnatural. yeah? something spooking the rhinos? hey, guttierez? take a look at this. that's impossible, man. this fence is high-tensile. the breaking tolerance'd stand up to the strain of a rhino, easy. i know, i put it up. goldsmith's gonna be plenty pissed at losing one of her babies. what? what? are you nuts? just the two of us? forget it, man. fuck the bonus. i hate heights. you wouldn't get me up there even if it wasn't night. what the hell are you doing? wait a minute! alright, okay. look. i'll come with you. but i'm going first. careful of that edging there. where's that flashlight? still got him? what's wrong? what? where? can't see a thing. are you sure? how? oh, man. that's no glitch! is it still moving? oh, nice going, man! it was a lemur! a goddamn lemur! hey, look; let's forget it. there's nothing up here. this is like a bad dream, man. a bad fucking dream. what's with the dog? get out of there, man! jesus! you got 'im! over there, on the right! use mine. channel twenty-six. hurry up and figure that thing out, man! i'm jammed! it's locked solid. you got any slugs left? try again, man. that's it! we're dead! what's keeping those fucking marines, man? they should'a been here by now! over there! hotter 'n hell out there! c'mon, man! let's shag it! nice buns. piece of cake. couple more seconds! that's it! we've got it! get us out of here.