it's late, and the base's exterior lighting casts yellow pools of light across the metal and concrete thoroughfares. guttierez and de vries - a tough-looking afrikaan woman with a think accent - looks uneasily about them. another group of people with trackers and guns are searching around in the background. nearby, the vertical yellow column of a suspension-crane gantry towers high above. guttierez and de vries walk over to the rhino pen, brewster pulling at her leash. guttierez frowns at what he sees. all the rhinos are nervously huddled together in the far corner. guttierez sweeps the tracker slowly around, and brewster begins to gently snarl. de vries pulls on the dog's leash to quieten her. hiroko bends down to inspect a small plastic grating fitted flush with the roadway. the broken grillework is melted outwards. kamen and two other men - caldwell and thomas - stand behind. hiroko looks up, startled by the sound of gunfire. she sees the rooftop of one of the building modules lit by tracer fire. brewster's tethered nearby, barking furiously. in a hand-held shot we're running with hiroko's group along the narrow catwalk bridging the roadway to the pump room, kamen taking the lead. diller sprints out of the building like a bat out of hell and collides with him. with superhuman strength, the alien brutally back-hands diller, splintering his skull and killing him instantly. his body caromes into thomas, knocking the man to the floor. the alien turns to kamen, it's questing fingers closing around his throat and hauling him off the ground. the space on the catwalk it limited; there's so many people it's impossible to get a clean shot. thomas is moving from diller to caldwell, checking them for signs of life. hiroko catches his eye. hiroko turns her headset off and watches numerous rotating coloured lights dotted around the platform start to blink on-and-off. kamen coughs a few more times. hiroko and kamen bolt towards an external hatch, with kamen laying down a field of covering fire on full-automatic. the blaze of light from the rifle's barrel abruptly stops. an alien hurls itself through the air and onto the speeding crawler's roof. despite their ferocity and weapons, it's clear that the small group of predators are being overrun by the alien horde. the battle outside is going badly for the predators. there's only three of them left, and one is broken tusk.