broken tusk tries to be as unobtrusive as possible as he picks through the aftermath of the battle down by the now-empty rhino pen. he finds something. a predator face-mask, with a massive crack down one side. he turns it carefully over in his hands. internal pressure forces the metallic plug out like a champagne cork. it hits the platform with a loud clunk. hiroko hauls herself from the shaft, trailing a cloud of smoke as the acid eats into her suit. she throws the helmet to the ground, shattering the visor. yanks desperately at the suit's release clamps, kicking the ruined garment off. the two crawlers plunge into the curtain of flames spreading across the platform. the two crawlers emerge from the conflagration, scorched and trailing fire. in the background, the crane-hoist centers over the admin module. the crane's clamping mechanism closes around the admin module, locking into place. the crane hoists the module aloft, free of it's umbilicals. hiroko's running along the platform, pistol clenched firmly in hand. she thumbs her headset. hiroko spins around the corner, pointing her gun cop-stance. the heli-jet pad's just up ahead. the relief on hiroko's face is enormous. another gout of flame belches out of the churning mass in the middle of the station.