you offering? what's the problem? give me twenty minutes and i'll do it myself. got a present for you. you left it in the chopper. oh, and before i forget, don? i ran that test you wanted on the turbines. and, nothing. they checked out just fine. here. not yet, no. one more sweep. one more sweep. i'm getting tired of one more fuckin' sweep. we're been lookin' for this thing for three days now, and found zip. hey! i was in shape before we started doing this. listen to what? de vries? next time you have a thought like that? keep it to yourself. i dunno. that's real peculiar behavior. what? one of 'em must have escaped. there's no way a rhino'd survive that drop. that's a fact. whoa, wait a minute. just got a reading. it's up there somewhere. come on. i've seen this mother, de vries. we can bag it, no problem. c'mon de vries. think of the bonus. hey, fair enough. if you won't come, i'll handle it myself. what? anything you say, mammacitta. yeah, i got it. it's moving slow. about. eleven metres. on the left. little bit further. yeah, yeah, yeah. right there, right behind the antennae. i think we're got it cornered. hold it, hold it. i'm picking up another signal. just behind us, over to the right. yeah, i. wait. lost it. i dunno. might be a glitch. it's alright, it's cool. no, he's stopped; he's totally still. just take it nice and easy, babe. nice and easy. holy shit. uh. sorry about that, boss. everything's fine. false alarm, that's all. the hell was that? oh, god. dear lord jesus. hey; c'mon now, girl. it's alright. let's just get this knot undone. chew on this! get your ass out of here, boss! de vries! inside, inside! shit! the casing's cracked! what? yeah. uh. seven. matt! open these damn doors right now, i'll ream your ass so bad these things out here'll seem like the easter bunny in comparison! swear to god! move! i don't wanna hear that kind of crap, thomas. they're coming. just a matter of time, that's all. she just set off! rob? we got problems. the chainsaw band might have punctured his lungs. shit! take the wheel, roy! can you handle it? move it baby, or they're gonna be chewin' on my cojones! c'mon sweetheart. do your stuff. get down!