fuck! holo off. noguchi. what kind of 'something'? i'm on my way. what've you got? sounds like a couple of escape shuttles. have you got an updated lloyds' almanac to cross-reff them through? where're they headed? i don't know what to make of this. get a copy of the telemetry relayed back to antarctica traffic control. better alert the nearest rimcorp base, too. just give them the facts. they can leap to their own conclusions. we haven't used big bertha since we relocated the generator module. that was four months ago. i can't ask for them to keep bringing spares in on the shuttle, it's already costing too much as it is. i don't know. i think we'll have to run it on a rota; one month down, one month operational. thanks. let me sort this out and we'll go over the logistics in my office. when? can we move it to a different orbit in time? get off an all-bands emergency distress, and put it on a repeater. looks like you were right. someone's lobbed a pair of smart-missiles at us. compensate! match it! i just. wanted to be put on my own for a while. clear my head. i've got a lot of thinking to do. 'sides, the room was getting too crowded for me. no, not really. more sort of the 'claustrophobic' type. i'm serious. that's why i switched from orbiting to planetary installations. uh-huh. used to get it pretty bad. i'd wake up in a cold sweat and want to claw open a vacuum hatch. four. six month stint on datus. what is this? 'twenty questions'? i don't know. i guess i've just never found anywhere i really felt at home. real man' drink. want some? any luck raising ackland's party? first light, we'll take a chopper out there and tell them to head back. sure. do me good to stretch my legs. this whole thing's got me spooked. do you think ackland'll sit tight? fabrique nationale tactical autoloader. uses twelve mill hollow 'o' rounds, with through the barrel smart laser-sighting. sure, i can handle this. check out the tent. hold on. bagged and in the back. they're not a pretty sight. i'm going to need you to co-sign the report. until we come up with something, this'll be treated as first degree murder. when we get the link back, and i send this in, i.c.c.'ll throw a fit. what do you mean? sure. what's up? again? how long before we start noticing the difference? can you handle it? a meteor? york's vanished. beauvais and minh are dead, ackland. york's gone awol, unless you can help us go some way toward disproving our suspicion, he's the prime suspect right now. ackland? i don't know him well enough to say. if we were back on earth we could run him though an aldhoven test and find out for sure. there's not much we can do out here. alright then, for what it's worth. yes, i do. oh, i've been looking for this! where was it? what happened? what's going on? force the door. get after it, don't let it get away! go on! jan, give me a hand over here. what is that? where does that lead to? you've checked that end? do it. i don't want that thing on my installation. i want it caught and destroyed. alright. pull some trackers and headsets out of stores, and i'll sign a release for the weapons. cassie, organise a team roster and put it on the board. i don't care how you kill this thing, just be careful not to get in it's way when it bleeds. you all saw what happened to doc revna. nobody wander off on their own until it's found. keep in pairs. diller, once the first team's done their sweep i want you to go down with annie to three-pump while she replaces it. one final point. killing this sonuvabitch ought to be a reward in itself. however, just to add a little incentive. i'm authorizing a hefty bonus in the next pay-packet for whoever does. alright, let's get to it. new york rules apply. so, what do you think? alright. keep your eyes peeled. if it got out of the systems, it could be anywhere. move! get out of the way! get the door! no! well? rob? i want you to evac everybody from the non-connective modules into admin. that goes double for anybody. are you okay? oh my god. what? they're in with the rhino! holo on! that's the wrong way! hurry it up. bastard! cassie! kamen! nooooo! what's the story? how many. how many people are missing? what's our weapons situation? auto-shop? has anybody talked to them? do it. they knocked out the external feeds. get the auto-shop on-line. well. try the headset. jan, it's hiroko. what sort of shape are you in down there? kamen didn't make it, jan. jan? can you make it back? what's that? alright, let's keep calm. we've got to have an option of some sort. there's got to be a way out of this. that sounds promising. can we operate the crane from here? which mean physically going outside. is this the suit? no, he's right. has anyone got a bike near here? let me have the keys. which one is it? listen, i don't care if it's pink and purple polka-dots as long as it gets me there in one piece. somebody loan me a headset. how much air-time have i got? deal. sounds great. what? why? how tight are these shafts? forget it. i wouldn't ask somebody to do something i wouldn't do myself. where's the disk? don't worry. i won't. thanks. okay, i pull the access panel off of the console. insert the disk, and press the green enabling button. sorry. two green enabling buttons. right. okay, i'm set. okay. okay. oh! oh, god. it's alright. i'm okay. thanks, cassie. you betcha. what was that? i don't copy. come on. okay, i make it to the crane. you. yeah, well don't get too carried away; we're only halfway home. talk. access panel. access panel. bingo. okay, we're in business. alright. here we go. one. mark! okay, i'm out of here! no! rob, it's hiroko. come in. if i can get to the chopper, i'll meet you at the rendezvous. don't wait for me. no 'buts'. just do it. noguchi out. look. don't take this the wrong way, but when i imagined the cavalry coming to my rescue. they never looked like you. broken. useless! jesus. i.c.c.'re gonna have to close the book on this place. come on, butch. let's go. hey! i said come on! what? shit! you've got to be joking. no way am i going back in there! hey! goddammit! what can i do? i. i can't! no! come on! come on! if you don't move your ugly butt, we're gonna end up barbecued! come on! okay, butch. i can play cavalry, too. c'mon! jump! shit! in the back! in the back! watch your shots! if you hit the engine you'll blow us both to hell! we've lost the starboard engine! we're going down! hold on! we've gotta get you out of here. hold on. this is gonna hurt some. yeah. why not.