we're in the dark womb of a split-level command center alive with clusters of video readouts, somewhat reminiscent of a futuristic air- traffic control tower. on the upper tier, a large circular holo- display currently projects an image of the satellite we just saw. thin trailers of paper flutter gently in the current coming from the air conditioning ducks, though beads of sweat still dot the foreheads of the people manning the consoled here. we move in on cassie dollander and rob parsons, two monitoring technicians occupying a control bank. cassie listens carefully to something on her headset. kamen steps into the command center, nodding familiarly to the duty personnel. a long-haired labrador rushes up to kamen, wagging it's tail. her name is brewster. she's the base mascot. kamen reaches down and ruffles it's fur. he climbs the few stairs to the monitoring tier, pulling the french-plaited hair of annie urioste, an italian systems- mechanic with her hands buried in a disassembled console. hiroko peers at the display with undisguised concern. a sense of urgency buzzes around the room. the two blips on the holo-board representing the pods make a marked alteration in their course. one of the two blips on the holo-display vanishes, and three-quarters of the monitors abruptly turn to static. parsons curses. with nothing to do, most of the screens are out and the remaining personnel bored. parsons is reading a magazine with his feet up on the console, uninterested in hiroko and kamen's conversation nearby. parsons' finger traces a path along a set of computer schematics displayed on a suspended glass screen. most of the lights in admin are off, and the room's deserted. parsons is seated away from his usual station at a console topped by ten monitor screens, each displaying a securi-cam picture. he looks tired. kamen comes up behind him carrying two mugs of coffee. parsons sits bolt upright in his chair as the scene outside is relayed to his bank of screens by an exterior securi-cam. parsons listens to hiroko, suddenly wide awake. the morning shifts are starting to filter in, and it's obvious to them something's wrong. hiroko . already out here. we're going to lock every bulkhead and seal the base. cassie enters admin at a run. before, it was empty. now it's sheer chaos. she shoves her way through dozens of grim-faced people. parsons is standing at a console, yelling into his headset. the pandemonium from the outside corridors gets the attention of york and everybody else in admin. he crosses to the bulkhead doorframe, and what he sees makes his eyes bug. york stands frozen at the bulkhead frame, staring down the corridor in horror. cassie races up and pushes him out of the way. york seizes a metal chair from behind a nearby console and wedges it into the narrowing divide. cassie squeezes through the gap and urgently hollers to hiroko. from cassie's p.o.v. we watch hiroko supporting kamen and stumbling him along. foam fills three-quarters of the corridor to their rear and is nearly up to their knees everywhere else. the chair's frame creaks ominously in protest. hiroko stares at the closed bulkhead with an expression of dazed disbelief. everything electrical in the command center flickers momentarily, and the bank of monitors turn to static. there's an instant of silence collective concerns amongst those gathered there. matt . between us and the station. least 'till the guys from fort powell arrive. parsons races up to the girl manning the communication console. parsons listens attentively. he clicks his fingers at cassie. cassie looks up, worriedly. cassie turns to parsons in frustration. everybody in admin registers astonishment as her voice comes over the speakers. hiroko . to you shortly. noguchi out. everybody in admin looks tense. clang! everybody reacts as the sound penetrates through the walls and echoes around admin. pencils, disposable cups, and anything else not bolted down all roll from table-tops. most are grabbed by their owners. cassie answers, holding on to the edge of her console. the connecting jolt is even greater then before. several larger objects crash to the deck.