that's the second time i ran it, and it still reads the same. toss you for it. hey, buenos dias, cowboy. when d'you blow in? ahh, don't pay any attention to urioste. she's still pissed that noguchi wouldn't let her go off on your hunting trip. where'd you leave them? we figured on it being a magnetic anomaly, but we ran a back-trace just to make sure. that's what we thought. done it already. nothing matches. yeah, exactly. those're pre-programmed course adjustments you're looking at. fort powell. what do we tell 'em? already working on it. can you patch me a temporary loop on dcmgs? they've changed their heading again. punch me in a solution for their delta-vee. a three-second burn to port, on my mark. not gonna make it. goddammit! we've lost the downlink. it's gone. parsons. yeah. hold on. it left a melted trail on the deck all the way down to here. central pumping. all the waste gets treated, broken-down, and flushed out into the swamp. if it wanted a quick exit then it really lucked- out. yeah, 'good evening' to you, too. today's party's finished their sweep, the relief team's out there now. everybody else is either asleep or running shift in the auto-shop. nah, i'll stick it out for another hour or so. 'bout five minutes. you got it, cowboy. oh my god. seal everything now! cassie, thank christ! we're under attack. fuck! somebody get over there with some guns! now! too many. miss noguchi? miss noguchi! everything on this module is locked and sealed. we've lost 'b', 'c', and 'e' wings, but 'e' was the only one we didn't manage to totally evacuate. don't panic, people. we've just switched over to internals. looks like it. give or take. communications to auto-shop go through an f.o. link off the main trunk. that's down with the other feeds. through now. it's not all good news. we had to take off the helmet lights. you'll be going in blind. there's still time to back-out. don't lose it. let's just run through it one more time so i know you've got it straight. right. when you've done that, don't waste any time getting out of there. once that crane starts moving. well, it's bound to provoke some kind of response. alright, let's open her up. carefully, now. what? what's wrong? what is it? seal it. what is it? where is she? quick! run a trace on the culvert leading off the auto-shop maintenance pit. and? get her on-line. now! keep trying! we copy, boss. nice going. driscoll; you're up. right. auto-shop, you all set? blow those suckers, driscoll! okay, people. hold on tight.