well, maybe you shouldn't worry about that just yet. all right. my instinct says you're strong enough to handle this. fifty-seven years. you'd drifted right through the core systems. it's blind luck that deep-salvage team caught you when they. are you all right? sorry. i've been running behind all morning. well, i was going to wait until after the inquest. amanda ripley-mcclaren. married name, i guess. age: sixty-six . at time of death. two years ago. i'm sorry. cancer. hmmmm. they still haven't licked that one. cremated. interred parkside repository, little chute, wisconsin. no children. the hearing convenes at 0930. you don't want to be late. look, i believe you, but there are going to be some heavyweights in there. you got feds, you got interstellar commerce commission, you got colonial administration, insurance company guys. just tell them what happened. the important thing is to stay cool and unemotional. you had them eating out of your hand, kiddo. you are a head case. have a donut. hi, ripley. this is lieutenant gorman of the. ripley we have to talk. they've lost contact with the colony on acheron. hear me out. look, we don't know what's going on out there. it may just be a down transmitter. but if it's not, i want you there. as an advisor. that's all. these colonial marines are some tough hombres, and they're packing state-of-the-art firepower. nothing they can't handle. right, lieutenant? well, the corporation co-financed that colony with the colonial administration, against mineral rights. we're getting into a lot of terraforming'building better worlds.' i heard you were working in the cargo docks. running loaders, forklifts, that sort of thing? what if i said i could get you reinstated as a flight officer? and that the company has agreed to pick up your contract? if you go. it's a second chance, kiddo. and it'll be the best thing in the world for you to face this fear and beat it. you gotta get back on the horse. yes, and i've read it. you wake up every night, sheets soaking, the same nightmare over and over. think about it. yello? oh, ripley. hi. that's the plan. my word on it. well, it didn't occur to me. it's been policy for years to have a synthetic on board. a synthetic malfunctioned on her last trip out. some deaths were involved. cyberdyne systems 120-a. 2. i suggest you study the disks ripley has been kind enough to prepare for you. still nothing from the colony? here we go. uh-hunh. one of thirty or so, all over the planet. they're completely automated. we manufacture them, by the way. looks like my room in college. hmm. acid for blood. it's insured. are these the same? these are dead. there's just the two alive. what's he scanning for? yeah? maybe the organisms like the heat, that's why they built. she's right. we're talking thermonuclear explosion. now hold on a second. i'm not authorizing that action. well, i mean. i know this is an emotional moment, but let's not make snap judgments. let's move cautiously. first, this physical installation had a substantial dollar value attached to it -- this is clearly an important species we're dealing with here. we can't just arbitrarily exterminate them -- i know, i know, but we're dealing with changing scenarios here. this thing is major, ripley. i mean really major. you gotta go with its energy. since you are the representative of the company who discovered this species your percentage will naturally be some serious, serious money. don't make me pull rank, ripley. corporal hicks!? look, this is a multimillion dollar operation. he can't make that kind of decision. he's just a grunt! no offense. this is absurd! you don't have the authority to -- may be could build a fire and sing songs. those specimens are worth millions to the bio-weapons division. now, if you're smart we can both come out of this heroes. set up for life. you've been doing your homework. look, they can't impound it if they don't know about it. now, wait a second -- look, maybe the thing didn't even exist, right? and if i'd made it a major security situation, the administration would've stepped in. then no exclusive rights, nothing. it was a bad call, that's all. i expected more of you, ripley. i thought you would be smarter than this. excellent. this is total paranoid delusion. it's pitiful. ripley. help me. i can feel it. inside. oh, god. it's moving! oh gooood.