you wouldn't be going in with the troops. i can guarantee your safety. we're trained to deal with these kinds of situations. at ease. i'm sorry we didn't have time to brief before we left gateway but. yes, hicks? what's the question? all we know is that there's still no contact with the colony and that a xenomorph may be involved. are there any questions? hudson? all right. i want this to go smooth and by the numbers. i want dcs and tactical database assimilation by 0830. ordnance loading, weapons strip and drop-ship prep details will have seven hours. dead on all channels. thirty-eight. simulated. well. two. three, including this one. let's see. everybody on line. drake, check you camera. there seems to be a. that's better. pan it around a bit. hold at forty. slow circle of the complex. okay, let's do it. set down sixty meters this side of the telemetry mast. immediate dust off on my 'clear,' then stay on station. first squad up, on line. hicks, get yours in a cordon. watch the rear. second team, move up. flanking positions. quarter and search by twos. second team move inside. hicks, take the upper level. use your motion trackers. all right, the area's secured. let's go in and see what their computer can tell us. first team head for operations. hudson, see if you can get their cpu on line. hicks, meet me at the south lock by the up-link tower. we're coming in. okay, stand by in operations. let's go. looks like you company can write off its share of this colony. no bodies? apone. where are your people? anybody in d-block? what's her name again? now think, rebecca. concentrate. just start at the beginning. where are your parents? you have to try. total brain-lock. come on, we're wasting our time. pdt's. personal-data transmitters. every adult colonist had one surgically implanted. alive? let's saddle up. forty meters in. ramp on axial two-two. access to sublevels. b-level. next one down. we're not making that out too well. what is it? what is it? proceed inside. they ripped apart the colony for building materials. so. so? so? shit. apone, collect magazines from everybody. we can't have any firing in there. flame-units only. i want rifles slung. any movement? we can't see anything back here, apone. what's going on? who's firing? i ordered a hold fire, dammit! shut up. just shut up! uh,. apone, i want you to lay down a suppressing fire with the incinerators and fall back by squads to the apc, over. i said. lay down . by squads to. i told them to fall back. ripley, what the hell? what are you doing? turn around! that's an order! all right, i guess. one hell of a hangover. look, ripley. you still want to kill me? you can't use those in here!