you just got three weeks.
looks like that new lieutenant's too good to eat with us grunts.
it's a bug-hunt. so what are these things?
save it.
nothing. no movement.
you seeing this okay? looks melted.
looks like somebody bagged them one of ripley's bad guys here.
just finished our sweep. nobody home.
it likes you.
poor bastard.
behind us.
it's moving.
ow! shit. watchit, she bites.
looks like a goddamn town meeting.
i always keep this handy. for close encounter.
not that tunnel, the other one!
he's gone! forget it, he's gone!
let's go!
get on the goddamn door!
it's okay. we're clear. we're clear. ease up.
sounds like a blown transaxle. you're just grinding metal.
he's alive. i think he's paralyzed.
hold it. hold it. back off, right now.
looks that way.
none taken. ferro, you copying?
prep for dust-off. we're gonna need an immediate evac. i think we'll take off and nuke the site from orbit. it's the only way to be sure.
are you finished? you okay?
this is all we could salvage. we've got four pulse-rifles with about fifty rounds each. not so good. about fifteen m-40 grenades and two flame throwers less than half full. one damaged. and we've got four of these robot-sentry units with scanners and display intact.
about seventeen days.
we gotta figure on them getting into the complex.
outstanding. then all we need's a deck of cards. all right, let's move like we got a purpose.
here, put this on. then i can locate you anywhere in the complex on this --
just a. precaution. you know.
they're coming. they're in the tunnel.
guns a and b. tracking and firing on multiple targets.
b gun's dry. twenty on a. ten. five. that's it.
we got problems.
well, they're into the complex.
they're in the approach corridor.
twenty meters and closing. fifteen. c and d guns down about fifty percent.
can't tell. lots. d gun's down to twenty. ten. it's out.
yeah. but look.
newt time then can walk right up and knock.
i want you two walking the perimeter. i know we're all in strung out shape but stay frosty and alert. we've got to stop any entries before they get out of hand.
how long since you slept? twenty-four hours?
maybe. maybe not.
if it comes to that, i'll do us both. let's see that it doesn't here, i'd like to introduce you to a close personal friend of mine.
m-41a 10mm pulse-rifle, over and under with a 30mm pump-action grenade launcher.
just pull it in real right. it will kick some. when the counter here heads zero, hit this.
just let it drop right out. get the other one in quick. just slap it in hard, it likes abuse. now, pull the bolt.
you're ready again.
well, that's the grenade launcher . you probably don't want to mess with that.
yeah. i've noticed.
roger. check back when you've activated the ship. he's at the up-link tower.
vasquez, hudson, meet me in medical! we got a fire!
the corner! ready?
i don't get it. it doesn't make any goddamn sense.
wait a minute. we'd know about it.
let's waste him. no offense.
it's game time.
let's get these things lit.
we didn't miss anything.
well you're not reading it right!
fuckin' a!
hold you fire!
stand back.
thanks a lot! now i can't hear shit.
bishop, you read me? come in, over.
all right, stand by there. we're on out way. over.
this way. we're close.
she's gone! let's go!
all right! she's alive. i believe it. but we gotta get moving! now!
we ain't going anywhere.
dwayne. it's dwayne.
don't be long, ellen.