and half mine! daddy, when are we going back to town? you always say that. i wanna go back. i wanna play 'monster maze.' do not. i'm just the best. so! that's why i'm the best. mom. all the kids play it. timmy. they've been gone a long time. n-newt. newt. my n-name's newt. nobody calls me rebecca except my dork brother. casey. she's my only friend. i don't want you for a friend. because you'll be gone soon, like the others. like everybody. you'll be dead and you'll leave me alone. they're dead. you promise? and hope to die? i was the best at the game. i knew the whole maze. yeah, you know. in the walls, under the floor. i was the ace. i could hide better than anybody. i guess we're not leaving, right? you don't have to be sorry. it wasn't your fault. we should get back, 'cause it'll be dark soon. they come mostly at night. mostly. aye-firmative! i don't want to. i have scary dreams. ripley. she doesn't have bad dreams because she's just a piece of plastic. my mommy always said there were no monsters. no real ones. but there are. why do they tell little kids that? did one of those things grow inside her? isn't that how babies come? i mean people babies. they grow inside you? did you ever have a baby? where is she? you mean dead. ripley, i was just thinking. maybe i could do you a favor and fill in for her. just for a while. you can try it and if you don't like it, it's okay. i'll understand. no big deal. whattya think? don't go! please. wah? where are? mommy. mommmyyyyy. mommy. i mean, ripley. i'm scared. look! come on! this way. come on. crawl faster. sure. go left. go right. this way. come on, we're almost there! here! go up. just up there -- riiiiipppleee -- mommy. where are you? moooommeeee. here! i'm here. i'm here. i knew you'd come. mommy. mommy? are we going to sleep now? can we dream?