terrible. how long have i been on gateway station? jones! come here jonesy you ugly old moose. you ugly thing. how long was i out there? they won't tell me anything. how long? fifty-seven. oh, christ. no. noooo! no. i've slept enough. we made it, jones. we made it. dumbshit. have they located my daughter yet? is she? amy. i promised her i'd be home for her birthday. her eleventh birthday. i sure missed that one. well. she has already learned to take my promises with a grain of salt. when it came to flight schedules, anyway. you always think you can make it up to somebody. later, you know. but now i never can. i never can. you read my deposition. it's complete and accurate. i get the picture. do you people have earwax, of what? we have been here three hours. how many different ways do you want me to tell the same story? look, i told you. then somebody's gotten to it. doctored the recorder. who had access to it? that's because i blew it out the goddamn airlock! like i said. i told you, it wasn't indigenous. there was an alien spacecraft there. a derelict ship. we homed on its beacon. look, i can see where this is going. but i'm telling you those things exist. back on that planetoid is an alien ship and on that ship are thousands of eggs. thousands. do you understand? i suggest you find it, using the flight recorder's data. find it and deal with it -- before one of your survey teams comes back with a little surprise. because just one of those things managed to kill my entire crew, within twelve hours of hatching. that's not all, goddamnit! if those things get back here, that will be all. then you can just kiss it good-bye, jack! just kiss it goodbye. they had their minds made up before i even went in there. they think i'm a head case. why won't you check out lv-426? what are you talking about. what people? how many colonists? sweet jesus. no. there's no way! i was reamed, steamed and dry-cleaned by you guys. and now you want me to go back out there? forget it. what about you? what's your interest in this? yeah, yeah. i saw the commercial. that's right. it's all i could get. anyway, it keeps my mind off of. everything. days off are worse. if i go. spare me, burke. i've had my psych evaluation this month. no! the answer is no. now please go. i'm sorry. just go, would you. burke, just tell me one thing. that you're going out there to kill them. not study. not bring back. just burn them out. clean . forever. all right. i'm in. and you my dear, are staying right here. you never said anything about an android being here! why not? just stay away from me, bishop! you got that straight? i've dictated what i know on these. okay. it's important to understand this organism's life cycle. it's actually two creatures. the first form hatches from a spore. a sort of large egg, and attaches itself to its victim. then it injects an embryo, detaches and dies. it's essentially a walking sex organ. the -- the embryo, the second form, hosts in the victim's body for several hours. gestating. then it. . then it. emerges. moults. grows rapidly -- yes? am i disturbing you conversation mr. hudson? i hope you're right. i really do. i feel like a fifth wheel here. is there anything i can do? i can drive that loader. i've got a class two rating. my latest career move. where you want it? how may drops is this for you, lieutenant? that the atmosphere processor? the structure seems intact. they have power. you bet. wait! tell him to. . hicks. back up. pan left. there! burke! christ, wierzbowski! over there. watch it, burke. removed surgically before embryo implantation. subject: marachuk, john l. died during procedure. they killed him getting it off. one of us? come on out. it's all right. it's okay, it's okay. it's over. you're going to be all right now. it's okay. you're safe. gorman! give it a rest would you. here, try this. a little instant hot chocolate. poor thing. you don't talk much do you? that's okay by me. most people do a lot of talking and they wind up not saying very much. uh oh. i made a clean spot here. now i've done it. guess i'll just have to do the whole thing. hard to believe. there's a little girl under all this. and a pretty one at that. i don't know how you managed to stay alive but you're one brave kid, rebecca. what did you say? well, newt it is then. my name's ripley. and people call me ripley. pleased to meet you. and who is this? does she have a name? what about me? why not? oh, newt. you mom and dad went away like that, didn't they? they'd be here if they could, honey. i know they would. newt. look at me. newt. i won't leave you. i promise. cross my heart. and hope to die. the 'maze'? you mean the air ducts? you're really something, ace. i don't know. oh god. and the colonists. when they were done with them. newt, you better go sit up front. go on. they're right under the primary heat exchangers. that's not what i mean. gorman, if your men have to use their weapons in there, they'll rupture the cooling system. so. then the fusion containment shuts down. pull you team out, gorman. get them out of there! do it now! they're but off! do something! newt, put your seatbelt on! newt? where's newt? you okay? looks like it stung him. you can't help them. right now they're being cocooned just like the others. no good. how do we know it'll effect their biochemistry? i say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. it's the only way to be sure. why not? they can bill me. i got a tab running. what's second? bullshit! look, burke. we had an agreement. you son of a bitch. what rank? i believe corporal hicks has authority here. this operation is under military jurisdiction and hicks is next in chain of command. right? we're going home, honey. run! i'm sorry, newt. how long after we're declared overdue can we expect a rescue? she survived longer than that with no weapons and no training. so you better just start dealing with it. just deal with it, hudson. because we need you and i'm tired of your bullshit. now get on a terminal and call up some kind of floor plan file. construction blueprints, maintenance schematics, anything that shows the layout of this place. i want to see air ducts, electrical access tunnels, subbasements. every possible way into this wing. fine. you do that. this service tunnel is how they're moving back and forth. all right. there's a fire door at this end. the first thing we do is put a remote sentry in the tunnel and seal that door. that's right. so we put up welded barricades at these intersections. . and seal these ducts here and here. then they can only come at us from these two corridors and we create a free field of fire for the other two sentry units, here. thanks. now you just lie here and have a nap. you're exhausted. i'll bet casey doesn't have bad dreams. nothing bad in here. maybe you could just try to be like her. oh. sorry, newt. yes, there are, aren't there. well, some kids can't handle it like you can. i don't know, newt. that's the truth. no, it's different, honey. yes. a little girl. gone. i think it's not the worst idea i've heard all day. let's talk about it later. i'll be right in the other room, newt. and look. i can see you on that camera right up there. here. take is for luck. now go to sleep. and don't dream. how is he? now let me get this straight. the aliens paralyzed the colonists, carried them over there, cocooned them to be hosts for more of those. which would mean lots of those parasites, right? one for each person. over a hundred at least. but these things come from eggs. so where are all the eggs coming from. you're saying one of those things lays all the eggs? could it be intelligent? i want those specimens destroyed as soon as you're done with them. you understand? burke! you just try getting a dangerous organism past icc quarantine. section 22350 of the commerce code. but they will know about it, burke. from me. just like they'll know how you were responsible for the deaths of one hundred and fifty-seven colonists here -- you sent them to that ship. i just checked the colony log. directive dates six-twelve-seventy-nine. signed burke, carter j. you sent them out there and you didn't even warn them, burke. why didn't you warn them? bad call? these people are fucking dead, burke! well, they're going to nail your hide to the shed. and i'll be there when they do. sorry to disappoint you. they're at the fire door. how long until it blows? and it's too late to shut it down? we need the other drop-ship. the on one the sulaco. we have to bring it down on remote, somehow. i don't care how! think of a way. think of something. what about the colony transmitter? that up-link tower down at the other end. why can't we use that? well then somebody's just going to have to go out there. take a portable terminal and go out there and plug in manually. what? all right. let's get on it. what'll you need? it's going to be closer. you better get going. on my way. now many? they retreated. the guns stopped them. but they don't know that. they're probably looking for other ways to get in. that'll take them awhile. they'll get us. hicks, i'm not going to wind up like those others. you'll take care of it won't you, it if comes to that? what do i do? what's this? look, you started this. now show me everything. i can handle myself. how do you feel? forget it. there, there. sssshh. it's all right. newt. newt, wake up. sssh. don't move. we're in trouble. hey. hey! hicks! hicks! i know, honey. me too. burke. it was burke. he wanted an alien, only he couldn't get it back through quarantine. but if we were impregnated . whatever you call it. and then frozen for the trip back at just the right time. then nobody would know about the embryos we were carrying. we and newt. the only way it would work is if he sabotaged certain freezers on the trip back. then he could jettison the bodies and make up any story he liked. you know, burke, i don't know which species is worse. you don't see them screwing each other over for a fucking percentage. just find someplace to lock him up until it's time to -- they cut the power. newt! stay close. let's get some trackers going. come on, get moving. gorman, watch burke. anything? hudson, stay cool. vasquez? get back here, both of you. fall back to operations. just get back here! seal the door. they learned. they cut the power and avoided the guns. they must have found another way in, something we missed. i don't know, an acid hole in a duct. something under the floors, not on the plans. i don't know! they're right on us. vasquez, how you doing? can't be. that's inside the room! medical! get to medical! burke! open the door! locked. stay behind me. do you know how to get to the landing field from here? back. go back! newt, wait! newt! hicks, get down here. i need that locator. newt! star wherever you are! climb down, honey. we have to cut through this grate. newt! newt! no! noooo! no! no! she's alive! we have to -- come on, you can make it. almost there. how much time? we're not leaving! she's alive. they brought her here and you know it. hicks, don't let him leave. see you, hicks. ellen. here. newt, i want you to hang on, now. hang on tight. bishop! bishop! close your eyes, baby. punch it, bishop! it's okay, baby. we made it. it's over. you did okay, bishop. go! here! get away from her, you bitch! come on! right here, baby. right here. that's right. yes, honey. i think we both can.