look at it from our perspective. you freely admit to detonating the engines of, and thereby destroying, an m-class star-freighter. a rather expensive piece of hardware. the shuttle's flight recorder corroborates some elements of your account. that the nostromo set down on lv-426, an unsurveyed planet, at that time. that repairs were made. that it resumed its course and was subsequently set for self-destruct. by you. for reasons unknown. it did not, however, contain any entries concerning the hostile life form you allegedly picked up. the analysis team which went over your shuttle centimeter by centimeter found no physical evidence of the creature you describe. thank you, officer ripley. that will be. thank you, that will be all. it is the finding of this board of inquiry that warrent officer ellen ripley, noc-14672. has acted with questionable judgment and is unfit to hold an icc license as a commercial flight officer. said license is hereby suspended indefinitely. no criminal charges will be filed at this time and you are released on own recognizance for a six month period of psychometric probation, to include monthly review by an icc psychiatric tech. because i don't have to. the people who live there checked it out years ago and they never reported and 'hostile organism' or alien ship. and by the way, they call it acheron now. terraformers. planet engineers. it's what we call a shake 'n' bake colony. they set up atmosphere processors to make the air breathable. big job. takes decades. they've already been there over twenty years. peacefully. sixty, maybe seventy families.