i have been proud and privileged to have spent my life in the theater - "a poor player . that struts and frets his hour upon the stage" - and i have been honored to be, for forty years, chief promoter of the sarah siddons society. thirty-nine times have i placed in deserving hands this highest honor the theater knows. surely no actor is older than i - i have earned my place out of the sun. . and never before has this award gone to anyone younger than its recipient tonight. how fitting that it should pass from my hands to hers. such young hands. such a young lady. young in years, but whose heart is as old as the theater. some of us a privileged to know her. we have seen beyond the beauty and artistry- -that have made her name resound through the nation. we know her humility. her devotion, her loyalty to her art. her love, her deep and abiding love for us- -for what we are and what we do. the theater. she has had one wish, one prayer, one dream. to belong to us. tonight her dream has come true. and henceforth we shall dream the same of her. honored members, ladies and gentlemen - for distinguished achievement in the theater - the sarah siddons award to miss eve harrington. a good night to all - and to all a good night!