forty-five minutes from now my plane takes off and how do i find you? not ready yet, looking like a junk yard- is it sabotage, does my career mean nothing to you? have you no human consideration? the air lines have clocks, even if you haven't! i start shooting a week from monday - zanuck is impatient, he wants me, he needs me! only in some ways. you're prettier. huh? hi. my wonderful junk yard. the mystery and dreams you find in a junk yard- hello, what's your name? where? that's nice. take your mistress into the bathroom and dress her. without comment. geniuses don't need good luck. i do. keep the thought. i told you a lie. we'll make it easily. margo's got no more conception of time than a halibut. she's been carrying that letter around for weeks. i've read it three times. what a documentary those two would make. like the mongoose and the cobra- why? just wondered what? why what? i don't have to. i want to. eighty percent of it will go for taxes. the theatuh, the theatuh- - what book of rules says the theater exists only within some ugly buildings crowded into one square mile of new york city? or london, paris or vienna? listen, junior. and learn. want to know what the theater is? a flea circus. also opera. also rodeos, carnivals, ballets, indian tribal dances, punch and judy, a one-man band - all theater. wherever there's magic and make-believe and an audience - there's theater. donald duck, ibsen, and the lone ranger, sarah bernhardt, poodles hanneford, lunt and fontanne, betty grable, rex and wild, and eleanora duse. you don't understand them all, you don't like them all, why should you? the theater's for everybody - you included, but not exclusively - so don't approve or disapprove. it may not be your theater, but it's theater of somebody, somewhere. and i shot my mouth off. nothing personal, junior, no offense. . it's just that there's so much bushwah in this ivory green room they call the theatuh - sometimes it gets up around my chin. it's only one picture deal. yeah. they keep you under drugs out there with armed guards. also addison dewitt. you didn't have to tell me. throw that dreary thing away, it bores me- real diamonds in a wig. the world we live in. the seams. like a nylon lemon peel- got any messages? what do you want me to tell tyrone power? ah. i think we'd like very much. sure you won't mind? she's quite a girl, that what's-her name. the lack of pretense, that sort of strange directness and understanding- i told her. i sounded off. i understand they've got the indians pretty well in hand. huh? i'll try. everybody can't be gregory peck. how childish are you going to get before you quit it? and cut that out right now. as of this moment you're six years old. thanks for your help. good luck. knit me a muffler. hey - junior. keep your eyes on her. don't let her get lonely. she's a loose lamb in a jungle. what a thoughtful, ever-lovin' thing to do- you're my girl, aren't you? then you're crazy. i leave in a week - the picture's all wrapped up, we previewed last night. those previews. like opening out of town, but terrifying. there's nothing you can do, you're trapped, you're in a tin can- you in a hurry? wait a minute! you can't hang up, you haven't even said it- kid stuff or not, it doesn't happen every day, i want to heat it - and if you won't say it, you can sing it. sure! like the western union boys used to do. and who remembered it? who was there on the dot, at twelve midnight? the reading could have been better, but you said it - now "many happy returns of the day" i get a party, don't i? it's no secret, i know all about the party - eve wrote me. she hasn't missed a week since i left - but you know all that, you probably tell her what to write. anyway, i sent her a list of people to ask - check with her. how is eve? okay? i love you. what? see you. he must be miserable, the life he lives out there- you don't have to read his column tomorrow - you just heard it. i don't agree, addison. oh, i admit there's a screwball element in the theater. it sticks out, it's got spotlights on it and a brass band. but it isn't basic, it isn't standard - if it were, the theater couldn't survive. i was saying that the theater is nine-tenths hard work. work done the hard way - by sweat, application and craftsmanship. i'll agree to this - that to be a good actor, actress, or anything else in the theater, means wanting to be that more than anything else in the world. it means concentration of ambition, desire, and sacrifice such as no other profession demands. and i'll agree that the man or woman who accepts those terms can't be ordinary, can't be - just someone. to give so much for almost always so little. outside of a beehive, margo, your behavior would hardly be considered either queenly or motherly! it's a good thought. cut it out. need any help? "don't let it worry you," said the cameraman, "even demille couldn't see anything looking through the wrong end-" so that was the first and last time- you've heard it. about when i looked through the wrong end of a camera finder. looks like i'm going to have a very fancy party. when i'm guest of honor? i ran into eve on my way upstairs; she told me you were dressing. well, we started talking, she wanted to know all about hollywood, she seemed so interested. it's a pretty rare quality these days. so she seems. i can't believe you're making this up - it sounds like something out of an old clyde fitch play. i've always denied the legend that you were in 'our american cousin' the night lincoln was shot. of course it's funny - this is all too laughable to be anything else. you know what i think about this - this age obsession of yours - and now this ridiculous attempt to whip yourself up into a jealous froth because i spent ten minutes with a stage-struck kid- thirty minutes, forty minutes! what of it? now how can you take offense at a kid trying in every way to be as much like her ideal as possible! for instance what? this is my cue to take you in my arms and reassure you - but i'm not going to. i'm too mad- mad! darling, there are certain characteristics for which you are famous - on stage and off. i love you for some of them - and in spite of others. i haven't let those become too important to me. they're part of your equipment for getting along in what is laughably called out environment - you've got to keep your teeth sharp. all right. but you will not sharpen them on me - or on eve. she hasn't cut them yet, and you know it! so when you start judging an idealistic dreamy-eyed kid by the barroom, benzedrine standards of this megalomaniac society - i won't have it! eve harrington has never by word, look, thought or suggestion indicated anything to me but her adoration for you and her happiness at our being in love! and to intimate anything else doesn't spell jealousy to me - it spells a paranoic insecurity that you should be ashamed of! i'll get it. what'll you have? nothing, really. i can always get a fresh one. karen - you're a gibson girl. macbeth. many of your guests have been wondering when they may be permitted to view the body. where has it been laid out? wouldn't you feel more natural taking a bow? then without feeling, your guests were also wondering whether the music couldn't be a shade more on the - shall we say, happier side? no heart to burn. it's all over. the audition. what fire and music? addison-! who? gone. i wouldn't be surprised. sometimes you frighten me. don't mix your metaphors. okay. mix. what a body, what a voice. the gong rang. the fight's over. calm down. don't calm down. i'm trying terribly hard. here we go. now don't get carried away- you've been all through that with lloyd- i am sick and tired of these paranoiac outbursts! i didn't know eve harrington was your understudy until half past two this afternoon! no, i'll tell it to you! for the last time, i'll tell it to you. because you've got to stop hurting yourself, and me, and the two of us by these paranoiac tantrums! it's time you found out. i love you. i love you. you're a beautiful and intelligent woman- - a beautiful and intelligent woman and a great actress- - at the peak of her career. you have every reason for happiness- - every reason, but due to some strange, uncontrollable, unconscious drive you permit the slightest action of a kid- - kid like eve to turn you into a hysterical, screaming harpy! now once and for all, stop it! i've been aware of that for some time. i'll say. come on, get up. i'll buy you a drink. margo, let's make peace. just being happy? just stopping all this nonsense about eve - and eve and me? but if i tell you it is - as i just did. were you listening to me? isn't that enough? then what would be enough? if we were married? you've had so many reasons for not wanting to marry me. margo, tell me what's behind all this. i think you do know but you won't or can't tell me. i said before it was going to be my last try, and i meant it. i can't think of anything else to do. i wish i could. we usually wind up screaming and throwing things as the curtain comes down. then it comes up again and everything's fine. but not this time. you know there isn't a playwright in the world who could make me believe this would happen between two adult people. goodbye, margo. that suddenly makes the whole thing believable. you were better than all right, kid, you gave a performance, you rang a bell- - little things here and there, it doesn't matter. you can be proud of yourself, you've got a right to be. i'll admit i was worried when max called. i had my doubts. - after all, the other day was one scene, the woods are full of one scene sensations. but you did it. with work and patience, you'll be a fine actress. if that's what you want to be. i'm talking about you. and what you want. what have i got to do with it? the names i've been called. but never svengali. good luck. from what would i be running? i'm for it. when i told you what every young actress should know. your make-up's a little heavy. you're quite a girl. i'm in love with margo. hadn't you heard? i'm only human, rumors to the contrary. and i'm as curious as the next man. only thing, what i go after, i want to go after. i don't want it to come after me. don't cry. just score it as an incomplete forward pass. i came as soon as i read that piece of filth. i ran all the way. bill's here, baby. everything's all right, now. maybe just a little around the edges. the so-called art of acting is not one for which i have a particularly high regard. but you may quote me as follows. quote. tonight miss margo channing gave a performance in your cockamamie play, the like of which i have never seen before and expect rarely to see again. unquote. you were great. i'm broken up about it. i'm going to propose the toast. without wit. with all my heart. to margo. to my bride-to-be. drink. tomorrow we meet at city hall at ten- - and you're going to be on time. it's only for the license. there's a three-day wait - blood tests, things like that. the point is - in the cathedral, a ball park or a penny arcade - we want to have you two beside us our nearest and dearest friends. i understand she is now the understudy in there. but what could she say? that's what fascinates me. very effective. but why take it out on me? what would you like? texas? you've got it backwards. even for wilkes-barre. never try to outguess margo. yes, dear. a cowboy. with the paper to prove it. often enough to keep the franchise. nothing?