lemme fix you a drink. the minute it gets printed they're gonna fire on gettysburg all over again. i never played fort sumter. you need new girdles. the same size? well. i guess a real tight girdle help when you're playin' a lunatic. i know. she just keeps hearin' her dead father play the banjo. once george jessel played my hometown. for a girl, gettin' in to see him was easy. gettin' out was the problem. oh, brother. oh, brother. when she gets like this. all of a sudden she's playin' hamlet's mother. if i haven't, i'll find something till you're normal. i'll never forget that blizzard the night we played cheyenne. a cold night. first time i ever saw a brassiere break like a piece of matzos. what a story. everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end. you don't have to apologize for me! i'm sorry if i hurt your feelings. it's just my way of talkin'. call me birdie. as for bein' fifth-rate - i closed the first half for eleven years an' you know it! imagine. all this admiration in just one room. it'll show up. right where you left it. just give him my phone number, i'll tell him myself. kill the people. got your key? something maybe grew a size bigger. i couldn't get into the girdle in two an' a half hours. adorable. we now got everything a dressing room needs except a basketball hoop. if i may so bold as to say something - did you ever hear the word "union"? i haven't got a union. i'm slave labor. but the wardrobe women have got one. and next to a tenor, a wardrobe woman is the touchiest thing in show business- she's got two things to do - carry clothes an' press 'em wrong - an' just let anybody else muscle in. hmm? do you want an argument or an answer? no. now you want an argument. night an' day. like an agent with one client. well. let's say she thinks only about you, anyway. i'll tell you how. like - let's see - like she was studyin' you, like you were a play or a book or a set of blueprints. how you walk, talk, think, eat, sleep- the bed looks like a dead animal act. which one is sables? she's on her way. with half the men in the joint. it's only a fur coat. a diamond collar, gold sleeves - you know, picture people. they can always grab oranges off trees. this you can't do in times square. you all put together? there's some loose characters dressed like maids and butlers. who'd you call - the william morris agency? the caterer had to back for hors d'oeuvres- voila. there was nothing he didn't know. there's a message from the bartender. does miss channing know we ordered domestic gin by mistake? late for what? i ain't dense. and he's been here twenty minutes.