my name wouldn't mean anything. i room across the hall from eve harrington, and she isn't well. she's been crying all night and hysterical, and she doesn't want a doctor. no, eve didn't say to call him, but i remembered i saw mr. richards with her a couple of times - and i thought they being such good friends. she's up in her room, mr. richards. i really hate to bother you like this, but the way eve's been feeling - i'm just worried sick what with her leaving for new haven tomorrow, and everything. i'll tell her, mr. richards. miss harrington. i - i guess i fell asleep. please don't have me arrested, please! i didn't steal anything - you can search me! i hid outside in the hall till the maid came to turn down your bed. she must've forgot something and when she went to get it, she left the door open. i sneaked in and hid till she finished. then i just looked around - and pretty soon i was afraid somebody'd notice the lights were on so i turned them off - and then i guess, i fell asleep. that's all. you probably won't believe me. it was for my report. about how you live, what kind of clothes you wear - what kind of perfume and books - things like that. you know the eve harrington clubs - that they've got in most of the girls' high schools? ours was one of the first. erasmus hall. i'm the president. lots of actresses come from brooklyn. barbara stanwyck, susan hayward - of course, they're just movie stars. you're going to hollywood - aren't you? from the trunks you're packing, you must be going to stay a long time. that spilled drink is going to ruin your carper. i'll just pick up the broken glass. subway. with changing and everything, a little over an hour. i don't care if i never get home. you rest. i'll get it. miss harrington's resting, mr. dewitt. she asked me to see who it is. it's a very famous name, mr. dewitt. phoebe. i call myself phoebe.