we were just discussing whether you should. oh, please. let's not talk politics. and do what? oh, jack, jack, you haven't been sure. you've gone from one thing to the other. a year at law school, and now this job as a reporter. oh, no, jack, it isn't that. i don't care about the money. it. it's just that i. i want you to be something. i don't know. it's just that i want you to be. to do. something important. all right, jack. i'll go away with you. i'll do anything you want me to do. i'll wait for you. i'm very glad to have met you. does he mean it, jack? does he? i waited for you. hello. you promised we could. uh. discuss my charity project. children's home? yes, certainly. please take me home now, sugar boy. i understand you. it's myself i don't understand. maybe we'd better stop seeing each other. no. because i believe what you tell me. why do you want to know? did he tell you -- i don't know. i. how should i know if the judge was ever broke? let's. let's have a drink first. adam! well, i'm not. what's wrong with being the director of the new medical center? what other things? yes, me too. but calmly. but at least a hospital will be built, and the sick will be cared for. no, stark is not for you. well, what is for you? pride. pride, that's all it is. foolish, stupid pride. all you've ever talked about is what you could do if. if somebody would tear down and build. all right, all right, somebody has, and he's given it to you. but he's not for you. no, he's not for you. jack, how is he? yes. oh, thank god. how is -- he blames himself, doesn't he? oh, i tried to call here at the hospital, but i just. he wasn't like anybody i ever knew before. he wasn't like anybody i ever knew before. i love him, i guess. i guess that's the reason. he wants to marry me. not now. it would hurt him. a divorce would hurt his career. jack. jack, what are you going to do? you can't leave him now. he needs you now more than he ever did before. you don't know him. you've known him all these years and you don't really know him at all. adam? jack. i called you. all afternoon i've been calling you. you've got to tell adam. you've got to see him. he knows about me and. i tried to explain to him. i. i tried to explain to him that it wasn't the way he thought it was. he hit me, jack. my own brother. he hit me. i'm frightened, jack. we're through. he called me this afternoon. he's going back to lucy. he said it was better that way. both of us. oh jack. help me, please, please. adam's all i've got left now. oh, jack, if you ever loved me. i don't know. leave me alone. i don't care. i don't know, i don't know, i don't know. leave me alone, please. he's dead. my brother's dead. how?