who told you that? you the reporter that's been snoopin' around town? what paper? you sure come a long way to stick your nose into other people's business. it ain't any of his business either. he's the head man. he's in a position to know nothin'. and to say nothin'. he uses my head. who's arrested? nobody's been arrested. hi, willie. did you apologize to willie? did you give him his handbills back? give him back his flag and his bag and. give this man his camera. you go right ahead, willie. we all believe in free speech. we got to. it's in the constitution. it's a free country, willie. if you can convince the people to vote for you. you go right ahead. i wanted you to meet a fella came all the way up from the state capital to meet you. a reporter. wants to write you up. maybe put your picture in the paper. now that ain't polite. don't you want to hear both sides of the story? must have dropped out. oh, come on, fellas, let's relax. it's a hot day. hey, sugar boy. bring some cold beer for the boys. orange pop! all right, sugar boy. bring him some orange pop. did you hear that, boys? the p-p- pop's s-s-sold out. if you want to listen to a boy from the sticks, i know just the guy. brought some people all the way up from the state capital just to meet you. folks, i want you to meet willie stark, the next governor of our state. i wouldn't add a thing. just give them the facts. great speech. where is he? is he drunk? willie, what are you trying to do? play! play! play anything. that's a lie! go get him, boys. go get him. let these boys through, officer. these are the boys that can get the boys. fifty. five dollars a head. shut up! they're lined up against you solid. they had a meeting. me? what would i be doing there? we might be able to dig up a few more. no.