good to see you, boy. very good. oh, just sitting here. waiting for all of you to come home. you know, when a man starts to get old his eyes stray and play funny tricks on him. as i watched you in that boat i thought sure i saw a boy of twelve with a fishing rod in his hands. and i was sure the first thing he'd say would be. i think this state could stand a few changes. to the young people. to anne, to jack, to adam. to what lies before them. to the world they'll make. in spite of the mistakes we've made. a few. but it will hold. i'm an old bird. i. it's a deal. the papers have the story. they're talking about impeachment proceedings. this time, pillsbury. how true is it? you haven't answered my question. why are you saving pillsbury's hide? or where you will. pillsbury is guilty. as attorney general of this state, it's my job to prosecute. yes, it is. he's right because you want him to be right. because you're afraid to admit you've made a mistake. do it now before it's too late. i'm offering my resignation as attorney general. you'll have it in writing by messenger in the morning. dated. i wasn't sure. i knew how, but i never knew why. i'm through with politics. goodbye, governor. are you coming with me, jack? you're making a mistake. i made a mistake once, jack. when i resigned. it was too easy then, just resigning, pulling out. no, jack, i've made my choice. i have nothing more to lose. yes, it's true. well, you've heard it. if that's all you came to hear you could have saved yourself a trip. show me what? of course. i was their counsel for over ten years. i swear i never even remembered his name. isn't that remarkable, jack? i never even remembered his name. it's all so long ago it's hard for me to realize it ever happened. yes, it did. but it's difficult for me to realize it. thanks for that much. yes, i do. jack burden. willie stark's hatchet man. this would never stand at law, not for a minute. it happened over twenty- five years ago, and you could never get any testimony. everybody is dead. ever since then i. i've done my duty. i. i'm responsible for many good things. but i also did this. you have tender sensibilities for a hatchet man. good night, gentlemen. you'll have it in the morning. in the morning. good night, gentlemen.