hey, jack, ever hear of a fellow called willie stark? oh, county. uh. treasurer, or something like that. they say he's an honest man. what i want you to do is to hop into your car. well, that can wait. oh. well, she can wait too. the answer is. get up there. who? oh, the. uh. stark. willie stark. yes. you've earned your vacation. you've been writing these like you really mean them. hello, jack. cut your vacation short, didn't you? by the way, jack, the fellow you wrote the articles about. uh. stark. he lost. get up there. get up there fast. your friend, willie, is hotter than a firecracker. stay there with him. no use going any further, jack. we aren't printing them any more. divide and conquer? stark is getting too big for his britches and the hicks are getting too smart. we're now supporting harrison. i work here. jack, you fool. i work here. i take orders. you won't find it easy to get another job.