can't that wait until this evening? how long do you plan on staying? you do very well at it. i read your articles about this fellow. willie stark. very convincing. too convincing for my tastes. a lot of people are fools. articles like that shouldn't be permitted. they only tend to incite people. honest man? this state is full of these log-cabin abe lincolns with price tags on them. the louder he yells the higher his price. yes, don't you? what do you think, judge? well, i'll tell you what i think -- the mistakes you've made, not me. you're all still pretty high and mighty, aren't you? you all think this state needs a change. you don't like the way it's run. well, who's going to run it? willie stark? the judge? you? you can be bought too. as a matter of fact you have been. and with my money. that's a waste of good liquor. your mother wouldn't approve. no, i have no questions.