floyd, jack's home. oh, he looks fine. doesn't he look fine? how do i look, jackie boy? i've got so many things planned for you. parties and. it'll be just like old times. but first, let's have a drink. floyd. honey. my son's home. i'm sure your father would be -- now, jackie. here we all are. floyd, jackie, myself. to the best time we've ever had together. to all the good times we've had together at burden's landing. and especially to this one. because my son's home. monty, anne and i have been discussing jack's career. what do you think he ought to go in for? shall he be a lawyer, doctor. anne is right. i absolutely forbid any more of it. i know what we need, we need another toast. you propose it, monty. you're so good at it. jack. jack. you go back in and apologize. i've got to live with him. son, don't spoil anything now. he can help you. anne, please. please make him understand.