and so the eyes of the entire nation are now focused upon governor willie stark, an amazing phenomenon on the american political scene. the whole state is filled with his accomplishments -- each of them, of course, bearing his personal signature, to make sure that no one will ever forget who gave them to the state. this is the way the roads used to be. but there are those who claim that they were adequate for the people's needs, that you don't need a four- or six-lane highway for a horse and buggy. when stark boasts of his great school system, his critics say: you can't go to school and work in the fields at the same time. and they question the benefit of these projects, charging that the need and the poverty of the people is as great as before. willie stark has never forgotten the source of his power: the people who supported him. he still keeps in touch with these people of the backwoods, making periodic trips to such places as kanoma city, now famous as his birthplace. for those who say that willie stark is a man of destiny, there are others who claim that he is a man of evil, a man who cares neither for the people nor the state, but only for his own personal power and ambition. obviously, these ambitions go far beyond the boundaries of the state. just how far, only time will tell. meanwhile, he is here. and from the looks of things, he is here to stay. willie stark: messiah or dictator?