i gave out the handbills, pa. this time they were waiting for me. they took them away from me. threw them in the dirt and beat me up. i brought some of them back. i'm going to do it the way i want to do it. it doesn't make any difference to me either way. whether i play or not. i put 'em across, don't i? every saturday i put 'em across and i can still do it, drunk or sober. that's all you want, isn't it. for me to put 'em across so you can big-shot it around? isn't that all you want? mr. hale -- i don't want you to try to cover up for me. i was wrong. that's all there is to it. i don't care what the police report says. i was driving and i was drunk. it's all my fault. anything you want to do to me, you can do. whatever you want me to do, i'll do. i don't want you to take care of anything. ever since the accident, my head. get dizzy. can't see. dizzy. get out of here! i wouldn't know. all right, i'll play. now get out of here. goodbye. what for? now he needs us. now that he's in trouble he needs us, so he can lead us around like monkeys with rings in our noses. so he can say to people, look at me, feel sorry for me. just a family man with a wife and a crippled son. why don't you leave us alone?