--omigod, you're from that place, you've got to go. you've really got to go. all those articles you people write-- where do you find that stuff? i'm relaxed--light your cigarette. i never worked for sloan or stans. one minute but then-- no. never in so many words. there are too many people watching me--they know i know a lot-- a lot of it was. i just thought it was sort of an all-purpose political fund--you know, for taking fat cats to dinner, things like that. i can't be positive that it was used for the break-in but people sure are worried. the ones who could disburse the money. there were a group of them--i think five, i don't know their names. i don't want to say anymore. --omigod, there was so much of it, six million came in one two-day period-- six million cash, we couldn't find enough places to put it. i thought it was all legal, i guess i did, til after the break-in, when i remembered gordon got so much of it. it was all so crazy--the day after the break-in he gave us a speech, bouncing up and down on his heels in that loony way of his--gordon told us not to let jim mccord ruin everything--don't let one bad apple spoil the barrel, he said. you just know that when gordon liddy's calling someone a bad apple, something's wrong somewhere. . it's all so rotten. and getting worse. and all i care about is hugh sloan. his wife was going to leave him if he didn't stand up and do what was right. and he quit. he quit because he saw it and didn't want any part of it. if you guys. if you guys could just get john mitchell. that would be beautiful.